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July 20, 2028- mason watched his daughter in her room her head in her hands, he knocked on the door and she looked up he came in to see her

Miracle: what do you want (ask)

Mason: I heard what happened (says)

Miracle: and it took you a whole week to get here (says)

Mason: im sorry miracle: a lot has happened (says)

Miracle: you mean how you were screwing my best friend's mother (says)

Mason: miracle how did you- ( got cut off when Miracle throws the book to his feet)

Miracle: the book record everything you do (says)

Mason:(sighs and sits next to her) I didnt want to hurt you Miracle

Miracle: I'm starting to think you don't want to be near this family at all you're leaving... cheating on Mom

Mason: I am not cheating on your mother we're simply on a break(says)

Miracle: and yet you're still married

Mason:(gets up) Are you seriously going to gang up on me like that what about the fact that your mother cheated on me first and we were still married and yet you didn't fight with your mother about it but the second I do it I'm the villain

Miracle: or maybe it's because she was the only parent who was actually there for me unlike you (says and leaves)

Mason: miracle (says but she was gone, he sat on miracle's bed with his hand in his face)

Hope poked her head out the door staring at him she went in and sat next to him

Mason: you hate me too don't you (ask)

Hope: why would I hate you you left to find a way to save her which involved Caroline since you know she is the Headmaster of a supernatural School and you thought she would help and you slept with her I'm not mad, I mean sure you and Mom are getting a little frisky but you're not really dating just married you see unlike Miracle i'm mature enough to understand the situation your in and besides I think Mom would understand why you slept with Caroline you're going through a lot years ago you found that Mom cheat on you, you had to stay away from this family to protect her, your mother just died and Miracle can't seem to understand you're in a lot of pain you've suffered for her and she's being selfish wanting you around 24/7 when you can't be around a lot ( says and mason smiled)

Mason: at least I know I have one daughter who actually understand what Im going through (says chuckling)

Hope: and it just so happens to be your step daughter ( says and mason frowns)

Mason: hope you are as every bit of my daughter as miracle (says)

Hope: I know Miss Forbes can be nice but she's a real pain in my ass I read about what she said how you were just playing Daddy to me just because mom doesn't want me near my bio dad (says)

Mason: and she is wrong I'm not playing daddy with you I'm being a father figure you deserve (says and hope hugs him)

Hope: I need you dad it hurts so much when Mom told me you left I blame miracle for because she was the reason why you left you wanted to find a way to save her

Mason: i know and it hurts me too especially knowing that my daughter only sees the bastard in me for cheating on their mother (says) and the father he needs her

Hope: well you don't have to listen to her do what you need to do that's all that matters we can focus on the family drama after we defeat this threat

Mason: right (says and hugs her) I love you hope

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