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June 12, 2014- aqua was watching the Callisto family from the waters from her ball, she glares before turning to the Council of siren

Aqua: we need to do something (says)

Aurora: what do we do, they're not taking our threat seriously (says)

Asia: there is one way to break them, make them scared (says and they all looked at her) lets take the heart of the family Elizabeth Callisto

Ava: it would make sense she's the only thing holding them together we should break her first then the others will follow along with her (says and smirks)

Aqua: well it looks like we got a hybrid to catch (says smirking)

With the family

Elizabeth was sitting outside of the backyard looking through things she found in the attic, she smiled when she saw a picture of a pregnant hayley

Elizabeth looked through more pictures, she saw a note and read it meet me at the first place where it all begins, Elizabeth raise an eyebrow, she turned the note around but found nothing behind it

Elizabeth looked before getting up and heading to the place where its all begin and that was the place where she met Hayley in the abandoned house

When she got there she saw nothing, but as she turn around she saw aqua

Elizabeth: what the hell do you want ( says glaring at her)

Aqua: I see you got my little note I left out for you to find

Elizabeth: you wanted me here so what do you want (says)

Aqua: and you my dear Elizabeth are the key to finally getting what I want (says)

Elizabeth looked very confused but it was stopped when her neck was snapped

Aurora: shall we get on to it

Aqua: we shall (smirks)

What they didn't know was that cole saw everything and left to the castle to get help, when he got there and walked in

Cole: hello (says calling out) I need your help

He says, out of nowhere he was slammed to the wall he looked to see that it was Hayley

Hayley: what the hell are you doing here (says glaring at him)

Cole: I need help

And why should we help you (says, they turn around to see Ruby and Tyler)

Cole: it has something to do with Elizabeth ( says)

Ruby: and that is

Cole: the sirens kidnapped her

Hayley: and why should we believe you, your probably telling us this so you can lure us in (says)

Cole: please look I know you despise me but help her please even though I was cruel she's still my mother and I care about her (says)

Tyler: should we trust him ( says asking ruby)

Ruby: no we should kill him (says)

Hayley: that sounds like a plan (says and about to rip his heart out when)


they all turned around to see mason

Mason: if what he says is telling the truth and mother is with them we need to use him as bait (says)

Hayley: and how (ask)

Mason:(smirks) just watch and learn (says)

With the sirens and Elizabeth

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