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February 14,2026- it was hope's last challenge there she was standing in front of the devil waiting

Hope: there I survived your second Challenge and was forced to break my curse (says crossing her arms)

The devil:(smirks) and if you pass my last challenge you'll be the first person besides to survive hell

Hope: well I'm not just someone (says)

The devil: indeed you aren't you are really special (says) now the last challenge begins now

Hope: wait what you didn't tell me what it was (says and soon she saw she was back home, she looked around to see if everything was real and it was) am I back home

She says, she smiles to her house, she opened the door and her family saw her

Hayley: hope (says and hugs her) are you okay

Hope: yeah yeah I'm fine what happened

Hayley: you were kidnapped hope we didn't know where you were (says)

Hope: who's we (ask)


Hope looked to see her father standing there

Hope: dad (says and hugs him) you're back

Mason: of course I am (says)

On the outside where the devil looked down to see hope sleeping peacefully he smirks before walking away

With the real family

Hayley: are we ready for this (ask)

Mason: yeah I think so Ruby (says and they all looked at her)

Ruby: I'm fine let's get hope back (says, they nod and grabbed her hand, Ruby then started chanting)

Soon the three were in hell, they let go of Ruby and looked around

Hayley: it's so much hotter here (says)

Mason: it's hell what do you expect (says walking ahead)

Hayley: look just because we broke up doesn't give you the right to be an ass to me (says)

Mason: I never was trying to if you didn't blur out dumb questions

Hayley: why you-

Ruby: enough we need to find Hope I am not about to find her with you two bickering at each other (says)

Mason: let's just go (says and they started looking around)

Back with hope who was still in dream land


Hope turned to see her mother, hayley sat next to her

Hope: yes mom (says looking at her)

Hayley: do you want to go out with me and your dad (ask)

Hope: what about miracle (ask)

Hayley: honey who's Miracle (ask)

Hope: what are you talkin about she's my sister

Hayley: sweetheart you don't have a sister (says)

Hope: what (says and leaves)

Hayley: hope (says going after her)

Hope went to Miracles room or who she thought was Miracles room, she looks to see that the room was a guest room

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