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April 8, 2015- you want me to go to a party with you and your family (says jace to mason)

Mason: yes right now they don't know anything about you which is a perfect way for you to see what's going on (says)

Jace: why ask me to go I thought this would be family business (says)

Mason: do you want to prove you're in the family come to this party with us (says)

Jace:(looks at him) fine I'll go who's all going

Mason: me, Hayley and my mother (says)

Jace: ok ill be there (says)

Mason: great (says and leaves)

At night hayley was getting dress and was supposed to put her dress on when Mason came in

Hayley: geez Mason im getting dressed (says)

Mason: what's the matter love i already seen you so many times (says smirking and she rolled her eyes)

Hayley: what are you doing here (ask)

Mason: I wanted to give you this (says and gives her a box)

She opens it and saw a beautiful red dress

Hayley: is this going to become some sort of habit, every time there's a ball you give me a new brand dress to wear (ask)

Mason: now that I think about it yes, yes it is (says and she smiles)

Hayley: well thank you I love it and I can't wait to wear it tonight (says and he smiles before leaving)

Hayley smiles before getting dressed

After Hayley got dress she went downstairs she stopped when she saw mason and Hope

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After Hayley got dress she went downstairs she stopped when she saw mason and Hope

Mason: I wanted you to have this (says and gives hope necklace)

Hope: what's this daddy (ask)

Mason: it's the family's crest, because no matter what people tell you, you are a Callisto (says) you're my little girl

Hope smiles and hugs him

Hope: I love you Daddy (says)

Mason: i love you to (says kissing her head)

Mason looked up and saw Hayley she smiles and walks up to them

Hope: mommy (smiles)

Hayley: hey (says rubbing hope's head) you ready to go

Mason: yeah (says and picks up hope) let me just take hope to bed

Hayley nods, he leaves with hope and soon comes back

Mason: shall we (ask raising his arm out)

Hayley: we shall ( says and she takes his arms and the two left)

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