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July 19, 2014-a week later the day of cole's funeral the family was standing in the woods watching compelled humans place a big basket in the water, elizabeth nods to them and they left

Cora and jace showed up after the people left

Jace: are we late (ask, they shake their head no)

Elizabeth: how are you feeling cora (ask)

Cora: like I just lost the guy I loved (says)

Elizabeth: well he would be lucky to have you (says, cora smiles sadly at her) now that everyone is here lets start

She says and stands infront of everyone

Elizabeth: cole was a dick but the way he talked about always wanting a family made me feel bad and how he has to watch his family grow up without him, he watched his sister live his dream and have a family, and yes he did horrible things in the beginning and he felt like we betrayed him so now I am going to owe it up to him and be his mother even if it was his last day when he fell (says) so I love you cole and I will find a way to bring you back and give you the family you deserve (says and walks away as ruby step up)

Ruby: now I don't really have much to say about him I only met him for a little while because I left town for a few months for myself and to protect my nieces but I am willing to give him a chance to be my brother (says and walks away, tyler steps up)

Tyler: like Ruby said there's not much to say about him but when my mother died I wanted revenge on the person who killed her (says and hayley looks down at that) and on that mission I found the family that I thought I lost they gave me a chance even when they didn't know me but I know what Cole feels and I am also willing to give him a chance to be a part of this family and to be my great uncle (says and walks away, cora steps up)

Cora: for the past few months of knowing him as Jasper I got to know the real him all his likes and dislikes all his dreams and all his talent it made me fall in love with him and when he told me about who he really is it hurted me, it really did but I knew that I still love him and I will continue loving him and find a way to bring him back to me (says slowly crying) and I will find a way to kill those sirens and avenge your death (says and walks away)

Nobody else really stepped up so they set cole's basket on fire and let it roll out into the water, cora started crying more as jace hugged her same as mason with Elizabeth

They didn't notice or see someone watching from afar watching the whole scene with a sad and a angry expression on their face that which belongs to none other than Liam Callisto, liam backed away without being seen promising for vengeance for his son starting with his family

When the family got back home

Mason: all right now that we got that out tye way we got some business to take care of starting with the werewolves (says)

Tyler: what are you thinking

Mason: we get them back on our side find out why they betrayed us in the first place

Hayley: yeah I don't think they're going to want to be on our side when we killed their alpha (says) we can't exactly force them we'll be probably taking a choice away from them and I don't want to set that example for my daughters

Ruby: anything else on how to get them on our side (says)

Mason: yes hey we will try to get the werewolves on their side

Hayley: why do I got to do it they're your wolves (says)

Mason: hey you're the one who seems to be into the wolves so much maybe you can get them on our side (says)

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