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June 19, 2028- tyler's memories January 21, 2012 Tyler was packing up his bags to leave town after Nadia snapped his neck because he was trying to tell Matt the truth about her

He made his way across town away from Mystic Falls, he was all the way in Texas when he got attacked by vampires way older than him but since he was a hybrid he had an advantage

More vampires came to attack town making him more struggle than usual out of nowhere and someone killed them he turned around to see a woman

Tyler: who the hell are you (ask)

Woman: hello Tyler I have been looking for you for a long time

Tyler: who are you ( ask)

Woman: my name is Elizabeth Callisto and we are connected somehow (says and smiles)

Tyler: what do you mean connected

Elizabeth: it means we're connected like family I heard about your mother I heard about how Klaus Mikaelson murdered her

Tyler: how are you family (ask)

Elizabeth: I don't know all I know is that on the map you appeared so I just had to find you (says) and judging by those bags I see over there you're planning to leave your old life let me help you see to a new one

Tyler: can I trust you (ask)

Elizabeth: I don't know can you (smirks)

Hayley's memories

In 2013 a 7-month Hayley was laying in her bed breathing in and out

Hayley: oh my God this hurts like hell

Elizabeth: would you calm down Haley it's just of breathing meditation to help the baby come out easier

Hayley: is there anything I can take (says) because this hurts worse then my last pregnancy

Elizabeth:(smiles) well it lets you know that my granddaughter is very powerful if she's making the almighty hybrid in pain

Hayley:(rolls her eyes playfully) hahaha very funny but seriously though is there anything that I can take

Elizabeth: well there is this one herb that I when I was pregnant with Ruby, all you have to do is take one every day

Hayley: thanks I guess I can handle taking some mystery herb you created

Elizabeth: oh come on it'll help with the nauseous

Hayley: I'm not feeling sick I'm in pain

Elizabeth: just take the herb (says and hayley laughs)


Mason memories

Yesterday late at night Mason walked up to his mothers grave

Mason: hey Mom I'm sorry for missing your funeral is just without you I'm having trouble with containing my daughters they're angry hurt sad miserable all because of my choices all I wanted to do was keep them safe

I need your guidance even though it's from the grave I don't know what I'm doing I've barely been in their lives

And I don't know what I'm going to do about Haley she's heard she's lost her Crescent mark She's a vampire she misses her werewolf side I don't know who to go to for help even though I promised her that I would find a way but I'm lost

I love you Mom and I hope that you would take out of your time to help us even if you're in peace


Elizabeth's memories

A thousands years ago Elizabeth was putting her children to bed

Ruby: Mommy can we hang out tomorrow together

Elizabeth: of course we can but only if you get some rest I need my little princess and My Little Prince to sleep

Mason: one day I want to get married

Ruby: me too

Elizabeth: well one day you will and you will have a family on your own and you will be spending nights just like this with your children

Mason: will you still be there to help us

Elizabeth:(smiles) I will always be there for you and your children even if you can see me or cannot I will always be in there (says pointing at their heart and they smiled)

Mason: I love you mommy

Ruby: me too Mommy

Elizabeth: I love you too (says and smiles as she watched them go to sleep)

She got up putting covers on them before closing the door smiling before going to bed herself

Cole's memories

7 years ago Elizabeth walks up to a grave where Cole was

Elizabeth: is this

Cole: after a while I finally found my sister's grave

Elizabeth: I can't believe she lived whoever gave her a happy life I wish I could thank them

Cole: I don't know about that

Elizabeth: what do you mean (ask)

Cole: from my research she was murdered some people were after her and her family because she was a werewolf she was killed, her husband and the children got away but the father became abusive blaming the children for the death of my sister

Elizabeth: oh my God well I'm happy that she's in peace for over a thousands of years but how come you haven't seen her and the other side

Cole: it's because she was Supernatural a woman named qetsiyah created an other side for Supernaturals and since I was human and didn't trigger my werewolf side I was on The Human Side and when I was brought back to life I was a hybrid ready to be born (says and she nods)

Elizabeth: qetsiyah (says and smiles) did you know what the girl's name was

Cole: Melody

Elizabeth: my little Melody (says and start crying) Wherever You Are I want you to know that I love you and that the family wishes you were alive but I know we all had our own destiny and you have fulfilled yours I just wanted you to know that your family will always love you and that you will always have a place here I love you melody and i love you to cole if I haven't given you a second chance I don't know where this family would be at right now

Cole: and I'm so glad you guys gave me a chance sure I had to messed up for what I did and I regret everything but if I haven't I wouldn't be in this position

Elizabeth: may us all rest in peace one day and we unite together (says and he smiles)

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