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June 15, 2028- miracle was having the dream hearing noises everywhere

no no no no what did you do

nobody touches my family and get away with it


nobody touches my family and get away with it



Miracle shot up she looked around to see she was in her bed, Hayley stand up walking to her

Hayley: miracle hey its ok (says holding her hand)

Miracle: mom (says and hugs her) you're okay you're okay

Hayley: yeah I'm okay the others found us (says)

Miracle: who (ask)

Hayley: your dad, hope, jace and-

Miracle: and (looks at her)

Hayley: your grandmother (says)

Miracle: what happened to her (ask)

Hayley: she died saving us (says)

Miracle:no no no no no (says slowly crying)

Hayley hugged her as she cried, rubbing her back making sure she was okay

Hayley: it's going to be okay baby (says)

It was quiet throughout the whole Castle, Hayley just called everyone in the family about Elizabeth, Mason was sitting in his office just staring off into space soon he felt something he looked up to see a note coming down he picked it up and read it

Dear mason

I heard what happened I know what it's like to lose a parent I just wanted you to know that I gave you all my sorrow for you, your family and your daughters I wish me and my family could be there for you but you know we have our own problems I just know that you guys will pull through

Love elena

Mason smiles he closed the letter and put it in a box, he got up from his chair and left his office he looked up to see harry

Mason: what do you want

Harry: there is something you should know (says and he looked at him)

The two walked up in town

Mason: what is it that you wanted to say

Harry: I wanted to say sorry about your mother I heard she was the most peaceful one of the family

Mason: yeah I don't know how this family is going to live without her guidance

Harry: what I brought you here is when she died she had safaris magic in her

Mason: ok end (says)

Harry: and it's gone like it doesn't exist anymore (says)

Mason: what are you saying

Harry: I'm saying is when Elizabeth died she took her magic with her to death (says) this could probably be the way to end her, right now Safari is weak due to her half of her magic being gone

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