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August 23, 2014- it's been a week since the family left New Jersey Hayley, Miracle, Elizabeth and Ruby were in Illinois while mason, hope, tyler, chloe and cora where in Oklahoma

Cora: it's been a week jace hasn't called or nothing what if something happened to him (says)

Chloe: I'm sure he's fine cora (says trying to ease her worry)

Cora: I already lost cole I cannot lose jace (says and sits down)

Chloe: don't worry I'm sure he's fine he's handled his self for centuries now have a little faith in him (says and cora nods)

Tyler: so what now mason (says as him and mason looked out the window)

Mason: we go back to town and destroy those monsters (says)

Mason's phone rang and he answered it

Mason: hello (says)


Mason: Ruby what's going on are you okay

Ruby: the sirens found us we're on the Run (says)

Mason: we're on our way (says and hangs up) we need to leave

Chloe: why, what's going on

Tyler: the sirens are following Hayley and them

Cora: if they're there I can go back to New Jersey and find jace

Chloe: but what about the spell (says)

Cora: I got a plan but I need to go back to New Jersey

Chloe: I'm coming with you (says and she nods)

Tyler: be safe Chloe okay (says)

Chloe: don't worry I'll be fine and maybe once this is all over you can give me fighting lessons so you don't have to keep protecting me (says and he smiles)

Tyler: deal (says and the two girls left)

Mason: lets go (says grabbing hope and they drove off to the others)

With the others

Hayley how far are you and Miracle (says ruby through the phone)

Hayley: we're about to get on the highway to leave town (says looking in the mirror to see Miracle looking out the window) where are you guys

Ruby: we are going to distract them long enough for you and Miracle to disappear

Hayley: what about Mason and Hope (says)

Ruby: they're on their way with Tyler (says)

Hayley: this feels wrong I can't leave you guys fight (says) Miracle needs her family to

Ruby: I know but one day she'll understand that sometimes the people who love you will sacrifice anything for you tell her the whole family loves her so very much and that we wish we would be there for her (says)

Hayley:(starts crying) goodbye

Ruby: bye (says and hangs up)

Hayley got off her phone and started driving full speed, Hayley was so close to leaving town when she saw someone in the middle of the street she's turned the car around and they went into a ditch

Hayley got out the car bleeding she look to the backseat to see miracle in perfect shape, she turned around to see people walking up to her, she grabbed miracle and speeded in the woods

Hayley knew she couldn't fight the people and protect Miracle at the same time so she knocked on the first door she sees the people opened it and Hayley started to compel

Hayley: invite me in (says and the people did)

People: who are you (ask)

Hayley: I have no time (says and look at them in the eyes) keep my daughter safe and do not invite anyone in the house don't even think about opening the door unless it's me when I come back to come get her you will forget everything including meeting me got it (says and they nod)

Hayley kneel down in front of her daughter

Hayley: okay Mommy's going to be gone for a few hours I have to go take care of some people but I will come back to you (says and kissed her on the head before standing up looking at the people again) remember do not invite anyone unless it's me and me alone (says and leaves)

With the others Mason and Tyler made it to Elizabeth and Ruby, they got out the car

Mason: where is Hayley

Ruby: her and Miracle should be out of town by now I tried to call her but she hasn't answered the phone (says)

Tyler: then it means something must have happened to her (says)

Mason: we got to stop them

Elizabeth: how (ask)

Mason gave Ruby a paper and she looked at it

Ruby: this is the spell to kill them

Mason: yes but in order to kill all of them we have to link them together

Ruby: I got that undercover but I'll need time you guys go find Hayley (says, they nod and leave)

With hayley who was fighting the sirens killing them even though they would just resurrect themselves again but it will give her enough time to escape

Hayley was so distracted on fighting the other Sirens when she was thrown to the ground, she looked up to see that it was aqua

Aqua: you still haven't learned your lesson haven't you (says)

Hayley: and you still haven't learned your lesson that I would never abandon my family (says and attacks her breaking her arms)

Aqua: you think you can defeat me I am more powerful than you can even imagine (says)

Hayley: and I have anger issues and you do not want to piss me off (says) oh wait you already did by going after my daughter

Aqua: incendiares globus (says knocking Hayley down) now there is something that I have been wanting to do for a very long time but haven't had a subject to test it on I guess you'll do (says) thoughts, benefits, ideas, truths, images all of those you hold onto dearly what I now mentioned you a release

She says about to hit Hayley with the spell when someone jumped in front of her

Hayley: MASON (screams out)

Mason looked at her before falling to the ground, Hayley crawls to him looking at him trying to wake him up

Hayley: no no no no no no please wake up (says but he wasn't waking up) what did you do to him

Aqua: just wait and see (says smirking) now I have a baby to find (says and her and the sirens were gone)

Hayley: mason..mason wake up please I need you the girls need you (says and starts crying)

Then out of nowhere Mason shot up

Hayley: mason (says and looks at him, he looked at her and she hugs him)

The other then came with hope to see hayley hugging mason

Hayley: oh my God you're okay

Mason: who are you (says looking at Hayley in confusion)

Hayley's heart shattered when she heard that

Hayley: no no no it's me Hayley (says crying, mason looked at her before looking at everyone else)

Ruby: mason it's going to be okay we're going to help you (says)

Mason looked at them one more time before speeding off

Hayley: MASON (calls out about to go after him when Elizabeth stopped her) we have to go find him

Elizabeth: as much as I would love to we must stop the sirens before they get to miracle (says, Hayley look to where Mason disappeared off before looking at her and nodding and they all disappeared)

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