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June 10, 2028- it's been four days since Hayley was kidnapped 4 days since Miracle lived in the household alone until her family got here

Miracle heard noises downstairs she got up and went downstairs to see it was jace

Miracle: jace what are you doing here (ask)

Jace: i heard what happened to your mother have they found her yet

Miracle: no I really thought my father would be back (says)

Jace: what do you mean he is (says)

Miracle: what (looks at him)

Jace: I literally saw him in town square with hope (says)

Miracle: and he didn't bother to come home first (says)

Jace: Miracle you know about the curse he's holding if you go anywhere near him one of the signs will show up (says) he doesn't want to hurt you

Miracle: I can protect myself (says Crossing her arms)

Jace: I'm not saying you can't but this is dangerous Miracle, someone could get hurt not just you the whole entire town full of innocent children (says)

Miracle: does my dad even care about me (ask)

Jace: of course he does why would you think that

Miracle: him and hope have this special bond they probably have made over the last two years she got to know him while I didn't (says)

Jace: I can't speak for your father but I know that he loves you very much equally (says)

Miracle: he doesn't write or call (says) that's giving a sign that he doesn't love me (says slowly crying)

Jace: Miracle your father build an army when your mother was pregnant with you, your father fight for the death for you and your mother, he sacrificed he's Freedom so you can live now tell me is that the kind of father doesn't love you because he loves you deeply

Miracle: I guess (says) thank you I really needed that

Jace:(smiles) now I better go round up the vampires to go look for Hayley again

Miracle nods and he leaves

Mason was holding a witch's neck in a warehouse while hope was sitting upstairs looking at her grimoire

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Mason was holding a witch's neck in a warehouse while hope was sitting upstairs looking at her grimoire

Witch: I promise you we do not have her (says)

Mason: lies witches have a long history with Hayley on trying to kill her who's to say you guys didn't take her for Revenge after what she did to your coven years ago

Witch: it's been what 14 years since that happened we've moved on

Mason: but the ancestors sure haven't they probably want her dead they're probably the reason why she's gone I need you to FIND HER (yells throwing the witch to the ground she got up and took off running)

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