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May 28, 2014- the next day hayley was feeding the girls in the kitchen while everyone else was in the living room

Ruby: what do you mean they found me

Mason: Tyler said him and Chloe found out who is coming after us

Elizabeth: yes Mason you told us and you also told us that they said it's sirens, sirens do not exist

Hayley: well to be fair I didn't know demons exist either until I was pregnant with one so if sirens are real than they are (says coming and holding hope and miracle)

Ruby: so what do we do (says)

Mason: we go back to New Jersey (says)

Hayley: we can't bring the girls back into town it's dangerous (says)

Mason: the girls are not coming it will just be me you and Ruby, mom will stay here with Tyler and Chloe

Ruby: wait they're coming here what about Chloe she doesn't know the baby survived if it's safe enough for her to know

Mason: don't worry I'll handle it I promised that I would never compel her without her consent (says) Chloe managed to spy on the sirens and she said there's more and that she needs to speak to us in person

Hayley: just as long as she doesn't put us in danger fine by me (says and leaves to miracle's room with the girls)

Elizabeth: Mason are you sure about this

Mason: I'm not to be honest, but this is the only way right now (says)

Ruby: fine when are they getting here (ask)

Mason: later on right now it's night time in New Jersey and they're going to sneak away at night (says and she nods before leaving)

Elizabeth: I hope you know what you're doing because I am not going to risk my granddaughters in danger because of your poor choices

Mason: oh mother you know as well as I that I would never endanger my daughter or hope (says and she looked at him before leaving the room, Mason sighs before sitting down on the couch thinking)

Later on in the evening mason was standing outside waiting for Chloe and Tyler, he then saw a car pulled in, Chloe and Tyler got out of the car and smiled when they saw mason

Mason: I see you guys

Tyler: sorry it took us a while you know trying to sneak out of City by sirens and your dad (says and mason smiles)

Mason: no harm and done Tyler

Chloe: what is this place (ask walking up to Mason)

Mason: it's Ruby's Safe House

Chloe: but you should be leaving they know where you are

Mason: don't worry they won't Ruby is using her magic to cut them off and lead them to a wrong direction of where we are (says she looked at him before nodding)

Chloe: I'm still confused about all of this but why are they after Ruby

Mason: they're not after Ruby

Chloe: what how can you possibly know that I was there they said they found Ruby and that they were looking for her

Mason: it's because she has something that they want but they're not after her

Chloe: I don't understand

Mason: you do want to tell me what happened

Chloe: it's your dad he aligned himself with the Sirens and there was some other guy who was working for them the way they were talking they said he was a part of your family too

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