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June 9, 2013- hayley woke up around 10 in the morning, she got up, went to her closet to pick out an outfit, she went to the restroom and got dress but as soon as she took off her shirt she saw a lot of dark veins on her 4 month pregnant belly she looked closely to see a little movement in her stomach and she then screams out, soon everyone was in her room bathroom

Mason: what happened are you ok (ask)

Hayley: no what's happening to me (says as everyone looked at her stomach to see what she was seeing)

Tyler: uh is that normal (says)

Mason: no is it not (says)

In the living room hayley was laying on the couch as Elizabeth was checking out Hayley's stomach seeing all the dark lines and hayley looked a little pale

Ruby: have you seen anything like this (ask)

Elizabeth: yes I have (says)

Tyler: what is it

Elizabeth: this happens to women's who are carrying a demon child (says)

Ruby: I'm sorry what how do you know (ask)

Elizabeth: because the same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with you (says)

Tyler: so you're saying that Hayley is carrying demon child (says) how is that even possible

Mason: maybe it has to do with the fact that our father is a demon and this baby must be inheriting his genes

Tyler: this baby is a demon not a werewolf or vampire (says)

Elizabeth: to be honest I don't know what she is now we'll have to wait and see when she's born (says)

Hayley: so what now how did you survive this

Elizabeth: it's because I was a witch and a werewolf but I was already a witch because I didn't trigger my curse so I was witch then and it wasn't really a big of a deal

Hayley: then what's wrong with me

Elizabeth: Hayley demon blood is very toxic to werewolves one touch with it you're dead it's worse knowing the fact that you're carrying one fill with its Blood sitting in your system (says and hayley's eyes widened)

Hayley: so what's going to happen to the baby (says scared)

Elizabeth: nothing will happen to her she's completely fine but you on the other hand she is killing you slowly we have to do something about it

Tyler: why not remove the baby

Mason: I'm sorry what (looks at him)

Tyler: I mean why not transfer the baby into someone else's womb and let them carry it until it's born (says)

Ruby: that could work

Hayley: no

Mason: Hayley we have no choice she's killing you

Hayley: I said no I am not going to let some random girl carry my baby (says) I've been through worse I'll be fine

Mason: Hayley sometimes your stubbornness can't get in the way of someone's life

Hayley: my baby is staying where she is and that's final (says and lays down closing her eyes)

Ruby: fine we'll leave her where she is but if you get worse we're going to have to do something (says)

Elizabeth: okay Hayley there's something that will be able to help you a little bit I had it a thousand years ago it should still works do you want to try (ask and hayley nods) I'll be back (says and leaves)

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