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April 14,2014- mason was outside on his balcony holding hope when he heard yelling he walked to the living room to see hayley holding something

Mason: what's going on (ask) what is that in your hand

Hayley: it's a note (says)

Mason: from who

Hayley: not from who but from where (says and hands him the note)

Mason:(reads it) New Orleans

Hayley: do you think they found me (says)

Mason: I don't know but we're about to find out we're going

Hayley: are you crazy they'll kill me

Mason: Hayley it's been a year now a lot has changed you got more stronger probably much stronger than him and I'll be with you every step of the way

Hayley: alright then who's going to watch hope while we're gone

Mason: we're taking her with us (says)

Hayley: I'm sorry what you want to take her in a town where people try to murder her and could still be there No mason

Mason: Hayley everything is going to be fine she'll be safe with us (says)

Hayley: I don't know Mason I picture her going into New Orleans already grown up and can defend herself she still a baby

Mason: I know but she's your daughter so you can get to decide what's best for her (says)

Hayley:(sighs) you're like a father to her Mason so you have every right to decide what's best for her to and if her going with us will keep her safe then so be it (says)

Mason: great then we should get a move on so we can handle this so we can come back (says and she nods)

Hayley: I'll go get our things packed (says and leaves)

Mason: (nods and looks at hope) well it looks like we're going to have a quality family time (hope looks at him and laid on his chest)

Later on they went packed and ready to go, they were standing outside with Elizabeth

Elizabeth: do you guys really want to do this go to New Orleans what if it's a trap

Mason: don't worry Mom we can handle ourselves you just stay here and try to keep peace here while we're gone

Elizabeth: fine just stay safe but if anything happens you call me immediately got it

Mason: we got it (says and hugs her) we'll keep in touch

Elizabeth: you better (says as they got in the car and drove off)

In the car, hope was sleeping in the back in her car seat while mason drove out of town, Hayley was texting on her phone when she stopped

Mason: what's wrong

Hayley: I just got a text from Molly and you will not believe what happened to the Mikaelson family

Mason: who is Molly

Hayley: she's someone I hired in New Orleans to watch over the mikaelsons in case they did something and I would know their every move

Mason: well what she say

Hayley: apparently the family has fallen a few weeks ago

Mason: what do you mean Has Fallen

Hayley: apparently they ticked off someone and that someone put them in their place and they disappeared

Mason: so then who sent that letter

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