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July 13, 2028- in the Callisto household miracle screamed as she was throwing things around she was getting worse by the second and ever since her father left yesterday she grew angry she was the reason why her father had to leave to go find a way to help her

Hayley: miracle (says coming in only for her daughter to throw her to the wall with magic)

Miracle: oh my God I'm so sorry Mom (says helping her up)

Hayley: it's okay sweetheart I knew what I was getting myself into (says)

Miracle: I don't know what to do anymore mom it's hard to control her (says crying, hayley hugs her)

Hayley: it's going to be okay we just need to find something to let that anger out (says)

Miracle: I can't stop thinking about Dad (says)

Hayley: you and me both (says)

In mystic falls mason and caroline were in the kitchen Memorial Library in school

Caroline:(looking through books) I hope this can help ( says giving him a book)

Mason:(looks at it before going through the book) who is the hollow

Caroline: a spirit that was messing with the Mikaelson family their situation is similar to your problem

Mason: and that is (ask)

Caroline: the Hollow almost destroyed the family klaus was going to sacrificed himself but someone outside of the family did it for him

Mason: sounds just like Mikaelson they're willing to destroy someone else who is not family just for them to survive my family is nothing like them we would never if someone a side of the family to die for our benefit

Caroline:( raise an eyebrow) are you lying to yourself

Mason: what (says looking at her) what are you talkin about

Caroline: I know what happened over the years you say your family doesn't sacrifice anyone but yet you do (says and he looks at her) cora, chloe the pack

Mason: how do you know this

Caroline: Mason I knew your family since 2021 well some of them they told me stories where you guys went through over the years and told me the people you cared about

Mason: so let me guess you know my whole family's life story now

Caroline: I'm sorry to be nosey Mason and I'm also sorry for what happened between us years ago I never meant for that to happen

Mason: you mean how you screwed around with my enemy (says)

Caroline:( gets offended) oh and you mean how you're playing daddy with his daughter (says and mason grabbed her neck)

Mason: you don't know anything about my family Caroline so I suggest you stop butting into it (says)

Caroline: then why are you so desperately needing my help you want my help but yet you're threatening me (says and he let her go) Mason I'm trying to stop the bad blood between us we shouldn't be acting like children, its been years now we're adults we have kids we have a family I'm just trying to be your friend

Mason: there's too much stuff I can't forget Caroline you hurted me after I let you in which was hard for me to do (says)

Caroline: fine have it your way (says and stands up)

Mason: where are you going (ask)

Caroline: somewhere where I'm wanted Oh and about the plan to save your daughter unless you find a nether body to put Safari in she's doom (says and leaves)

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