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July 12, 2014- with cora and cole

So let me get this straight you're not really Jasper your really cole (says Cora who just found out from jace that jasper was really cole Callisto)

Cole: yes (says)

Cora: so what, you been using me this entire time

Cole: yes and no (says and all of the sudden there was magic around his neck pressing him against the wall)

Cora: you tricked me you've been using me to help the sirens (says)

Cole: I had no choice okay the sirens threatened to kill me if I didn't do as they say, I'm sorry for hurting you (says)

Cora: so that's the reason the all powerful hybrid can't even take on sirens

Cole: you do not know the power they have they can kill you and they're stronger than me and my family they're impossible to kill (says and cora let him go)

Cora: get out

Cole: Cora please I only want to help to defeat them now (says)

Cora: I said GO (says and threw him out with magic)

Cole looks at her one more time, cora turns away before falling down crying

With the family who was sitting with the siren stormy who helped them weeks ago

Hayley: it's been weeks and they haven't struck back since

Stormy: it's because they getting prepared for the real battle

Ruby: and when is this

Stormy: from what I heard and seen next month some of them are already scattering all over the world looking for your daughters

Hayley: then I think it's time to bring Chloe back with the girls they should be safer with us

Mason: you're right Tyler go call Chloe and meet her wherever she is make sure they're safe okay (says and tyler nods and leaves)

Stormy: don't you think that's dangerous bringing them here only endanger them more

Hayley: I think we know what's best for our daughters Stormy and them being here with us we'll make sure they're safe (says getting up and leaving)

Stormy: she hates me doesn't she (ask)

Elizabeth: she doesn't hate you she just hates your kind she's been through a lot

Stormy: yeah I heard about some stories about her time with another family I can't remember their name

Mason: the Mikaelsons (says and stormy nods) yeah it's been a messed up year

Stormy: well I'm sorry you guys had to go through whatever happened to you

Ruby: thanks now lets- (got stopped when somebody came busting through the door)

Cole: I'm dying (says and they looked at him)

Before cole came in, cole was sitting in the park looking down at the ground even though he was working with the Sirens he felt some type of way for cora and now that she didn't want anything to do with him and it hurted him

Someone soon stand in front of him and it was aqua

Cole: what do you want (ask)

Aqua: I want to send a message to your family and friends (says smiling)

Cole: what are you talkin about

Aqua: this is going to hurt (says and grabs his head, cole then started screaming, for about 20 minutes it stopped he then saw a mark on his arm) this is for betraying me you now only have 5 hours to live so enjoy it why you still can

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