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March 23,2013- Hayley felt a sharp pain on her neck as she was playing with hope's toys with her, she started feeling pain spreading across her body and falls back, mason and Elizabeth came in

Elizabeth: what's wrong are you okay (ask)

Hayley: something is happening to me (says laying down)

Mason grab her neck to see a mark on it

Mason: the witches (says and leaves)

Tyler: what's wrong with Mason (says coming in)

Elizabeth: the witches are doing something to hayley (says) and mason is going to find out what (says and he looks at her)

20 mins later mason came back and throw the a witch to the ground

Witch: seriously you could have warned me before speeding me away

Mason: I'm sorry but I don't seem to care I want to know what you have done to Hayley (says)

Witch: what are you talking about we didn't do anything to her

Mason: then why did she has blood running down her neck (says and the witch stopped) I see you know something what is it

Witch: I don't know if I should tell you (says)

Mason: I suggest you start talking before I rip off your tongue (says)

Witch: fine the witches think your baby will be the death to all Society

Mason: what are you talkin about witch

Witch: first of all my name is Alice and second someone found something strange about your baby

Mason: and who is this someone (ask)

Alice: the reason why Hayley found out she was having a girl is because a doctor told her

Mason: ok (says confused)

Alice: that doctor was a demon

Mason: why the hell is a demon interested in my child

Alice: that's all we know all we know is that they found something strange about your baby and they disappeared we tried tracking them down but it's like they disappeared off the face of the Earth

Mason: that's what demons do (says) do you know what it is

Alice: no we don't but my coven thinks it's best to kill the baby if your child can scare off a demon then we know that this child is dangerous and shouldn't be born (says)

Mason: so that's why Hayley feel that pain it just you killing her on the inside where my baby is buried (says)

Alice: hey I didn't ask to get ambushed and stabbed on the neck

Mason: and what is it that they stab you with

Alice: the death of Sorrow (says)

Mason: and what is that

Alice: it's an old ancient witch dark object it has the power to end a pregnancy before a woman reaches her stage into it

Mason: and how do I stop it

Alice: you can't stop it, it was created to not have a cure whoever made this spell wanted a pregnancy to end and your child will die before the night's over

Ruby: the only way to stop this is to unlink you from Hayley since they shot you with it Hayley is feeling all of the symptoms since she's the one pregnant if we unlinked her from you she'll be safe, I'm guessing you didn't want to tell him or you will lose hold on us (says and the witch look down)

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