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January 14, 2021- we need to find out who this safari is and why she's targeting our family (says mason who was with hayley and elizabeth looking through books)

Elizabeth: how are we going to find anything here, the answers are in town (says)

Mason: I know that but jace doesn't want us back in town even if we saved those kidnapped children ( says) he is stubborn like that

Hayley: maybe we can try and let him see that we don't mean no harm we're just trying to figure out who this person is or spirit (says)

Mason: like he will listen to us everything we say comes out as lie to him (says) I say we find our answers else where

Hayley: well you can sit here and do nothing I'm going (says getting up)

Mason: no Hayley it's too dangerous (says)

Hayley: we're all in danger Mason we have been for years what did you expect (says and walks away)

Elizabeth: care to explain to me what's going on with you two (ask)

Mason: it's nothing (says looking through books)

Elizabeth: Mason we've been back for almost two weeks now and you and Hayley's relationship has been Rocky (says)

Mason: I don't know what it is but it don't feel right with this Sam guy something about him is making me and Hayley's relationship go wrong he's already taking my daughter miracle I'm glad that hope still loves me and I don't know what to do anymore

Elizabeth: maybe ask Hope she's been around him for a year and maybe she'll know something

Mason: no mother she's 8 years old and I'm not about to put her in a situation where she knows her parents are fighting and could possibly lead to a divorce she'll go insane

Elizabeth: you really think that eight year old can go insane just because of knowing her parents are fighting (says)

Mason: she's not just any eight-year-old she's a tribrid one emotion can literally set houses on fire she could kill someone trigger her curse or she could die and become a vampire and also trigger her curse again (says) I don't want that for her

Elizabeth: I get it you don't want that kind of life for her but you do realize that she was born to be that for a reason just the same as miracle (says)

Mason: I know but I want her to stay innocent as much as possible mother know if you excuse me I got to go find out what's going on (says and leaves)

With hayley who was looking through the books in the castle which she by the way sneaked in she spent an hour in there, she was about to leave when she saw a book that look like something that could help, she grabbed it and look through it and her eyes widened she grabbed the book and went home

So you're saying when Ruby sacrifice Cora it created a massive power surge throughout the world that's why safari has awaken (says mason)

Hayley: it seems that way heads, its one of the signs (says) and she's not targeting the whole family she's just targeting the blood so me and hope are save you guys on the other hand not so much

Elizabeth: It also says she can possess people (says) which means there could be someone literally working for her

Cole: great another reason to stay as far away from the city as possible (says)

Hayley: no it means the answers are in the city (says)

Mason: I hope you're not suggesting that we moved back into town jace isn't going to like it very much

Tyler: then we find a way to get rid of him lock him up somewhere (says)

Mason:(looks at them) then we take over the city old fashioned way

Hayley: and that is (says)

Hours later they were in the mountains looking at dead werewolves

Hayley: seriously they're just werewolves Mason (says)

Mason: hey think of it as a way to protect the girls we need hybrids in town (says) a hybrid Army

Hayley: we can protect ourselves just fine we don't need an army (says)

Mason: we were out bested by jace 5 years ago I'm not about to let that happen again while the hybrids keep the vampires busy we can go in captured jace throw him in cells and we have a home back

Hayley: you're talking about holding someone against their will in a castle where our daughters will be living in (says) and trust me the girls are very curious what if by any chance them come across him

Mason: the castle is huge they won't know (says and soon the newly turned hybrids woke up Mason fed them his blood and soon they had a Army)

With jace

Vampire:(comes in) uh boss

Jace: what is it

Vampire: we're under attac-( says but got stopped when he was bitten by a hybrid)

Jace killed the hybrid and speed outside to see hybrids taking over the city he was about to go help when his neck was snapped

Mason: he told you easy as pie (says smirking and hayley rolled her eyes)

Hayley: you're starting to become like Klaus and I do not like it (says)

Mason: and from what I heard you're starting to act like the old Hayley who played around with two men elijah and jackson but now with me and sam

Hayley: mason (says)

Mason: don't worry love I still love you just as long as you didn't do anything with Sam while I was away in captivity I'm good (says and leaves)

Hayley looked down before following him, hours later the family were all getting settled down back in their old home while mason was in the cellars waiting for jace who then woke up

Jace: what did you do to me (ask)

Mason: all I did was took back my family's home (says) I was not about to have you keep us from town where my children could be educated

Jace: people will come find me

Mason: i doubt it (says) my hybrids are now controlling the city and since they are sired to me they will keep my family safe now you will rot here like how you did me (says and leaves)

Jace: mason MASON (yells out but he was gone)

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