Two Peas in a Pod Ch.38

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Blue and grey eyes that always seemed to find their way to gaze at your own eyes were watching you yet again.

However, this time with much more intensity.

And this time, the silence will be broken.

"L/n. I need to talk to you about something."

Todoroki had pulled you off to a secluded but still public place after the most recent battle game. Raising an eyebrow at him with your eyes piercing through the thick fog of somberness,

"What is it."

He took in a breath as he got started, "During the Calvert battle, me and Midoriya fought. During that battle, he had so much power that it completely overwhelmed me. Enough so that I used my left side, my fire powers that I swore to never use."

You watched him put his hand over his scar dramatically and couldn't help but to wonder...

If there would be any food left in the cafeteria for you.

You nodded at him to let him know that he would continue. Putting his arms stiffly by his sides, he said,

"His power reminded me of the popular hero, All Might. Which led me to wonder about his relationship with All Might. And since you know Midoriya-San well, I need to ask...

Is Midoriya, All Mights secret love child?"

With your jaw slacking if and you're posture laxing as you were left dumbfounded, you muttered,


"Is he?"

Blinking slowly, you stare at the grass, thinking on the ridiculous question. And then start putting pieces together.

The secret training.

The sudden power.

The meetings with the hero.

It all made sense now.

Putting a hand on Todorokis shoulder, you get close to his face,

"I don't know. He's never mentioned it. However, it makes too much sense, the connection can't be denied."

He nodded, both of you keeping a serious expression, "That's exactly what I'm thinking."

"We have to ask him ourselves!" You both simultaneously say.


Which has lead to this situation Midoriya has unfortunately found himself in.

Being ganged up against by the two strongest people in his class in a dark and unsettling, empty hallway. He stood nervously, glancing between the two who stood parallel to him.

Midoriya swallowed his fear and asked the two of you, "So...What did you want to talk about?"

You and Todoroki stayed silent and almost glared at him.

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