Blush Boys and Hot Heads Ch.2

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⚠️- cursing, and Midoriya is sub- sorry yagami yato fans but it's true🙂👌

Bakugo couldn't get her out of his head.

The way she walked, talked, looked.

He hated it,

But that was normal for him to hate people- especially arrogant bitches who thought they were better than him. Then why was he so hung up over her? More importantly...

Why was this type of hate different?

All weekend he was banging his head over not knowing why he didn't hate this type of hate or why he actually liked it. Or why he followed her home on Friday.....obviously it was because he just wanted to see if she would do something stupid or if damn Deku would do anything stupid.


Grumbling and stomping Katsuki walked downstairs to get some water, his old hag was in the kitchen while his old man was talking with her at the dining table. His old hag looked up from what she was doing and noticed that her brat of a son looked way more angrier than usual, but also more in deep thought.

"What's wrong with you?" She bluntly asked him as he slammed shut the fridge door.

"None of your damn business..." he grumbled while trying to walk away,

That was until he got a wet sponge to the face.

"You brat! Don't talk to me like that!"

"Shut up you ugly hag! I just can't get some damn annoying girl outta my head! Is that what you wanted to hear?!" He shouted back while throwing the sponge back at his mom who caught it.

Both parents stopped for a second gaping at their son before exclaiming, "A girl?!"

Katsuki got in his trademark gremlin stance with an infuriated face, but also a small blush, "Yes a girl damnit! I wanna punch her in the face!"

Mitsuki leaned against the counter with a playful smirk, "What's her name~?"

"Y/n L/n" He replied immediately.

Masaru and Mitsuki gave each other a look, Katsuki doesn't even remember his friend's names- well followers but you get it. Along with that, he's never been this frustrated about anything really, so they both knew what was going on.

Katsuki has a cruuush~!

"And why do you want to punch her?" Mitsuki asked still holding the teasing tone.

He had a somewhat dumbfounded look for a second before seething out, "Because she's so damn annoying!"

"What's so annoying about her then~?"

He paused for a that it was out loud he couldn't think of anything to dislike about her, he was just....just...


As he stomped away to go back to his room his mom shouted, "You should invite her for dinner soon!"

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