Creative Insults and Hard Things to Say Ch.31

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⚠️- cursing, and I'm not joking with the title Y/n is a lil grumpy here lmao

Also I feel like I should be getting thanked for not breaking the fourth wall not even once while writing in the story

"Are you kidding me?"

You scratched your stomach with your body splayed over the twin sizes hospital bed with a groan. The last thing you remember is Midoriya crying, then bam— everything else was gone.

You've already pressed the button to let nurses know your room needed assistance; now, all that was left to do was boredly wait in a hot room. Looking around the plain room, you sighed once more, seeing an abundance of fruit baskets.

"I don't even like melon...damn, this is the worst..."


"Y/N, WE WERE SO WORRIED!" Sol barged in and immediately went to your bedside to sob in your blanket.

The other three casually walked in; Yang held a cloth bag of what looked like board games and movies too. Tsunami and Yon had bright smiles- more so Yin as he took a seat beside you.

"Hey, you guys. Hope nothing broke while I was gone." You blandly state after throwing a box of tissues at Sol.

"Haha- don't play coy with us Y/n, we know what you did!" Yin giddily said.


"Y/n, you're so funny~! C'mon, tell us how you killed the monster using- not to brag shadow lord technique~!" Yin continued, most definitely bragging.

Sol just kept on crying, saying how everyone's been bullying him and how he was so worried; Tsunami yawned then sat on a couch to play mobile games as Yang looked away. Yin snorted as he heard a small 'tch' come from him.

"Yin, most of her bones were broken, and Y/n nearly died- and that's what you're worried about? When did she even learn your vile "Shadow Lord" technique..." Yang scolded.

"I don't remember teaching her- that just means me and Y/n are the better, more powerful duo, right, Y/n?" Yin spoke with a devious and bright grin as he put an arm around you.

"You guys are so loud..." You mutter tiredly.

Yang shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I suggest that we all let Y/n heal and rest before you interrogate her for your useless ego."

"Hm? Oh yeah, whatever." Tsunami briefly joined in before putting back in his earbud.

Sighing, you lean back in the bed with a soft smile. That quickly went away when you realized they were going to stay awhile.


"Oh, recovery girl, where are you headed to?"

Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka were leaving the campus to head to the hospital L/n was in. Everyone in class 1-A was worried for their classmate; for all they know, them and All Might were only alive and safe because of her. Other students from different classes acknowledged your state, briefly said, "hope she turns out okay," and went on about their day.

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