We're Only Human Ch.16

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⚠️- cursing, stalking? Not rly

After parting ways with Midoriya, uneventfully, you sigh and unlock your door. Laying on the floor inside of your apartment, there was another wax-sealed letter. You smile at the pleasant surprise and quickly pick it up as you all walk into the apartment.

Running off to hide in your room as soon as possible, you slam the door shut and open the letter. Carefully taking off the wax, you look at the flowers for a second before opening the envelope.

There was the usual letter and elegantly made flower cards.

"So it's a...Sweet Alyssum, Bearded Crepis, and a small white bellflower..."

'To the woman who inspires me to find the courage inside of me,

Are you well? I hope so; lately, I've noticed that I quite enjoy the time when you are all that consumes my consciousness. I often find myself pausing my daily activities to simply gaze up to the sky, daydreaming of you smiling towards me.

I long for the day where I'll be able to be with you. Do you think of me often too? I wonder if you also wonder about how our hands would fit together...

Even if you do not, I hope you'll allow me the pleasure of wondering that myself.

I saw you on the news today as well; you were quite humorous. As well as heroic, I say this because I saw that you have the hopes of attending U.A high school (which I have no doubt you'll be accepted); and I'm applying for that school as well!

Anyways I wish you a good rest,

Thank you for your time, My Flower.

You sigh dreamily and flop down on your bed to reread every last word again and again. If you were unsure if you should even put your energy into U.A before, you were sure now.

The dragons eavesdropped and sighed,

"How does that person even find Y/n?" Tsunami said, annoyed.

"Yeah, how does she even reply-" Sol muttered until he was rudely cut off.

"Who cares about that! What if the sender is some sort of pervert who steals Y/n's undergarments when he places the letter!" Yin questioned rudely to the air.

Yang sighed and tried to calm his other half, "Yin, don't be so angry. She's happy with this character's romantic gestures; they haven't caused any harm. Besides, why was stolen undergarments your initial thought."

"Yeah, Yin, do you got something you wanna tell us?" Tsunami questioned, holding his chin with his pointer finger and thumb along with Yang and Sol, who eyed him suspiciously.

Yin blushed a bright angry red, "It's not what you think, you Idiots! I have no interest in a young girl's clothes, especially Y/n's! And- I just said that because that Mutt guy and timid boy- oh and the loud blonde one stare at her dresser all the time!"

The other three keep quiet and give Yin a look and each other a look before they shrug,

"Alright, if you say so." Yang, Tsunami, and Sol say in sync.

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