Feelings Are Really Gross Ch.17

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A clap of thunder boomed as Kaminari yelped and clung to your arm. Your eyes reflected the horror movie boredly as you stuffed another mini snickers bar in your mouth then half-heartedly asked,

"Are you okay?"

He nodded despite his clinging that you couldn't help but to think was cute. You hummed in response; the dragons were all out today- something or other about Tsunamis temple on some island. Now that you thought about it, perhaps he had something to do with this terrible storm.

Anyways, Kaminari happens to stop by holding a stack of scary or thriller movies that he wanted to watch with you. The storm got worse after the second movie- so you both decided that he should stay the night.

Honestly, you just expected it to be a rather melodramatic evening- Kaminari chatting up a storm or clinging to you, you both eating snacks, playing Uno after an especially scary movie to calm his nerves. Stuff like that.

Throughout that day, you never once thought of the insufferable mongrel.

Oh, but he has been thinking of you! A bit too much, actually...

Let's take a look at shithead himself.

The very man who somehow went a step down from mutt.

The insufferable mongrel Katsuki Bakugo.


Katsuki didn't understand the unbearable ache in his heart. Or why it felt like everything hurt- his head, his heart- hell, it was even hard to walk sometimes. At first, he thought he was just sick, so he did the utmost to get rid of the germs.

But no matter how many Clorox wipes and Advil he used- the pain was still there.

For some reason, every time the pain was there, you were on his mind.

Your smile, your eyes, your gentle eyes.

When he thought of how gentle and elegant you were, it brought him peace- especially when he thought of you softly smiling at him. However, each time he got that small sigh of relief, your hateful, blood-lusting expression would appear vividly in his head.

He would often wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare of him suffocating in the sludge villains slime- and you just staring at him.

And smiling as he lost air.

It took him a little longer than he'd like to admit that...that this was partially his fault.

"If only I had left the damn nerd alone that one day" would often repeat in his head. But that was only about 15% of the problem; therefore, he was only 15% responsible for this anguish.

Katsuki figured that if he simply apologized, you would forgive him, and then he could continue to be around you.

That would be if you gave him the fucking chance to say more than one word.

As he stomped downstairs, Mitsuki sighed and leaned against her husband, "What are we going to do with him?"

He sighed and hugged his wife, "I don't know, dear."

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