Was I Not Trustworthy Enough For You? Ch.23

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⚠️- cursing


Holding your P.e uniform in your arms, you turn around with a purposefully charming smile, "Hello Momo!"

When she caught up with you, Momo smiled with a small blush, "It's been a while since we spent time together; I'm glad we get to see each other every day now."

You nod, "Yes, I'm sorry, I spent the last couple weeks training and studying for this school, however..."

You gently take Momos waist and move her in front of you. Glaring down at a small man with grapes (?) on his head in disgust, you sheild Momo from the harassment.

"However it seemed to be very unnecessary..."

Momo blushed as tingles went up her spine from the sudden touch, "O-oh I see, th-that was very ah- responsible of you."

When you scared off the small grape man you sighed and walked beside Momo about to make casual (with some flirts) conversation.

That was until someone jumped on your back.

"Hiya L/n! Do you remember me?" A feminine voice asked behind you with a cheeky giggle.

You grunt, "Maybe I would if you weren't on my back..."

"Oh- right! Sorry," Rhe girl got off of your back and happily went to step in front of you,

"What about now?" The pink girl smiled brightly in front of you.

You blinked, "Sorry, doesn't ring a bell."

"Whaaaat?" The pink girl groaned in disappointment.

"Yeah, sorry." You say to the girl before trying to walk past the girl.

"Booo! Well, I'm Mina Ashido; you saved my friends and me from that super big and tall guy, remember? You were so so cool, haha~! Thanks again for that, by the way!" The girl says happily while walking beside you.

You nod with your cheeks heating up a little, "You're welcome."

Momo glared down to the pink girl, wasn't all of your attention supposed to be on her? Never the less Momo smiled at the pink girl,

"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu; nice to meet you, Ashido-San."


"A quirk assessment test?"

The class stood out on a dirt field, all in blue uniforms. You yawned and stood next to Midoriya with a dark grey tank top and the P.e uniform jacket tied around your waist.

"What about orientation we'll miss it!" The brown-haired girl who stood somewhat close to Midoriyas other said to the teacher.

"If you really wanna become a hero, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies."

The students gasp in surprise for some reason. You couldn't help but to agree with the gruff tired man- to be heroes, you shouldn't waste time! But here you were, about to do the same thing you did a couple of weeks back all over again.

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