And it Was Only Act One of Immeasurable Pain Ch.30

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⚠️-fight stuff, blood, lowkey highkey gruesome but it'd be cool if you would read the whole chapter and not skim for me plz lmao

"L/n, get back here now!"

More panicked and worried shouts for you to come back rang through your ears, but you paid no mind as you charged at the hideous monster. The monster met you halfway through your kick to block it.

A wide toothy sinister smile appeared on your features as you made a sharp pillar of stone pierce through its body. The monster screeched a blood-curdling cry as it was paralyzed with the stone through its body.

You smirked and glanced over to Kurogiri and who you assumed was Shigiraki, "What the hell was that thing? And why are you guys here?"

Shigiraki grumbled and kept scratching his neck, "I told you not to come today L/n...and why'd you do that to my nomu!"

You huffed and looked over to where Aizawa fought the grunts trying to make a pathway to you- however, he was quickly swarmed with more weak links. Looking down with your expression scrunched in sadness, you realized what was going on.

"So you guys are...attacking us?" You asked while not noticing the nomu slowly moving.

"No, we are here to kill All Might," Shigiraki replied menacingly.

Your posture and eyes eased as you shrugged slightly, "Oh, okay. I'm still going to kill your nomu, though."

"Wait, don't-!"

His shout was to no avail as you quickly turned to block a punch from the Nomu who's torso quickly healed up the gaping hole.

"L/n stay away from that thing and return with the students!" Aizawa's voice boomed to you almost desperately.

"Leave my nomu alone!" Shigiraki's raspy voice shouted along with many others telling you to back off.

So promptly, you blast the Nomu upwards with a gust of wind that would've spilt any normal person right in half. Using air to lift yourself up, you meet the monster just as it was about to descend to deliver a kick so hard the air vent split.

Everything outside of your thoughts was nothing but white noise; nothing else mattered to you right now.

Not your well-being.

Not following orders.

Not pleasing the dragons by showing your overwhelming power to finish this quickly.

Not even Midoriya.

All that mattered was to exterminate this vile creature.

A malevolent grin grew wider and wider, and your pupils dilated lividly as you descended quickly while forming sharp pillars of ice. The creature screamed in pain as each pillar of ice impaled its body; those spectating the scene watched your overjoyed arua in horror.

"Just die already- your regeneration is getting annoying!" You bellow, moving your hands to control the earth to suffocate the monster. It should've scared you how much you enjoyed hearing every one of its painful screeches.

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