Winning Hearts Ch.7

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(I'd like to let you all know that today for a half hour I put a laundry basket over my head and either rolled around on the ground shouting that I'm a washing machine or chasing my dog saying that I just wanna be friends.

You're welcome.)

⚠️- cursing, y/n just being hot

"S-sorry for making you give me your coat L/n-San..."

You shook your head as you put back on your coat, "It's fine."

He nods and looks to the side with a blush; suddenly, he looks up with a smile. Taking your hand, he rushed excitedly to the arcade part of the theater and pressed his face against a machine.

"They have a limited edition All Might figurine! I've only seen this on online, but here it is!" Midoriya said excitedly while pointing to the big prize in the claw machine.

You looked at the figurine in confusion because it looked the same as all of Midoriyas other figures. Though it did look a little shinier, besides that doesn't matter. All that mattered was that Midoriya wanted it.

You gently move him to the side and give him a determined thumbs up silently. He watches you curiously as you put some change in the machine. You looked at the box with intensity as you carefully move the claw over to it. Pursing your lips, you press the button and watch as it grabs onto the box.

It felt like an eternity as it was picked up and slowly moved over to the prize drop. It drops in, and Midoriya gasps happily when you crouched down and grabbed it to hand it to him. You hold back a smile and feel satisfied seeing how happy he was.

"L/n-San! You're so cool- you did it first try! Are you sure I can have this? I-I mean, it is super rare, and you paid for it, so I-"

You place a hand on his head and shake your head, "I want you to have it."

He blushed and smiled, "Th-Thanks L/n-San!"

Your cheeks flushed a bit too as you look down to him, silently nodding.

Suddenly he looks down and gives a nearly unnoticeable pout as he thinks. Looking up, he gave you a smile and exclaimed, "I'm gonna win you something too!"

Before you could tell him that he didn't have to, Midoriya had already ran off looking for something you might like. You softly smile at the now empty space in fondness as you wander around the arcade in curiosity.

Some of the games looked pretty lame, and you didn't really see the appeal. That was until you saw a figurine of Norman.

You casually walk over to the keyhole machine and stare at the little Norman from the Promised Never Land figurine. You decide to try it out considering your luck from the last game.

Fifteen dollars later told you no.

You sigh and decide to call it quits. About to leave the area to look for Midoriya, you felt a tap on your shoulder and got a sense of deja vu.

"Hey! Saw that you lookin at the key machine- if I win it, will you give me your number?" A boy who was slightly shorter than you with electric blonde hair asked you.

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