Its Not Being a Sugar Baby If You're Unaware Ch.20

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⚠️- cursing, Momo😩, endeavor and uhhhhh idk stfu pussy ass bi-

You popped your bubblegum bubble and looked down in pity and disappointment. You had just beat the half and half boy at what was supposed to be an all-out battle. These were the people equal to you.

To say the least, you were severely disappointed.

Sure the boy with odd colored hair who struggled to stand had lots of power. Incredible power actually, but against your immense power, technique, stratification, and prowess-

It was hopeless in his case.

Actually, it was hopeless against all of the recommended students.

Many pro heroes were impressed.

You...not so much.

Sighing, you take the boy's hand and pull him up, "Don't get upset; I'm just on a different level."

He seethed quietly as you turned your back to walk away.

Yin was right.

This was a complete waste of time.


"L/n-San, you're so powerful!" Yaoyorozu said to you as the both of you left the locker room.

You nod and give her a quick glance, "Thank you."

She blushed and nodded while straightening her posture. Yin kept eating all of the strawberry candies because he ate all of the cinnamon candy- you were just replying to some texts from Bakugo.

"Miss L/n, could I have a moment of your time?" A deep voice asked behind you.

The three of you turn behind you to see a very tall, muscular man with- a mustache (a rather nice one) made of fire. You nod while Yin glared at the fire dilf.

"I want to know how you beat my son." The fire Dilf asked down to you.

"Whos, your son?" You deadpan with furrowed eyebrows.

"More importantly, who the fuck are you, old man?"

You slap the back of Yin's head, "Shut up!"

"Shoto Todoroki, that's my son."

He seethed in annoyance seeing your blank face void of any recognition,

"The boy with red and white hair and ice powers?"

"Ohhhhh him." You say half ignoring the Fire Dilf while texting Midoriya about some weekend plans.

"So how did you beat him so fast?"

You sigh after seeing a recent text from Yang, "I'm just better. What's there to say? Now, if you'll excuse me, it seems I have a new couch to buy."

"What-? Wait a moment-!"

You turned around in anger and annoyance, "I don't have a moment! C'mon Yin; we need to go before they break anything else- don't those idiots know we can barely afford a throw pillow?!"

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