The Dragon and The Tsundere Princess Ch.10

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⚠️- Cursing and uh idk stop being a lil bitch it's a watered down Yandere story for heck's sake.

"Oh. Hey, Midoriya."

The air was tense as the two stared at each other. You didn't get the hint and went to set down the water and apples at the small table by the couch.

"This is Tokoyami; he's also my best friend." You say to him while sitting down and motioning for him to sit.

His eyes were covered by his bangs, and he stayed silent.

Looking up with a smile, he nodded, "Oh! Okay! Nice to meet you, Tokoyami-San."

"You too."


The day before Christmas Eve.

There was nothing special about tonight in actuality, or the next night, or the one after that.

You didn't understand holidays too much, well more like you didn't care to. You just did what everybody else did on Christmas, eat in abundance, get and give presents, and spend time with family.

However, first was the Bakugos Christmas party they kindly invited you to. Holding the presents, you got for the family, you made your way down the street to their house. Standing at the door, you hesitated on ringing the doorbell and took a moment to look at all the cars lined up.

The house was loud too.

What a pain.

Sighing and silently hoping that you could just wish them merry Christmas and leave the presents then slip out. You only hoped more as you heard laughing and screaming children.

The door opened, and you held out a present when you saw who it was,

"Merry Christmas, mutt."

He snatched the present and was about to yell at you, but a hand held the top of his head then pushed him down,

"L/n-Chan! We're glad your here! Right, Katsuki?"

He just grumbled, but he did stop his shouting.

"Thank you; I was just hoping that I could drop these off and-"

You were pulled inside as your head was squished by something soft, like a pillow.

"L/n-Chan! Here come inside- maybe you can get the brat to join the fun!" Mitsuki shouted while putting your head into her chest.

'Soft...' You thought as you didn't bother to move.

That was until you were pulled by the back of your collar into something else that was warm and strangely soft. Katsuki put your head to his chest and yelled at his mom, who yelled back angrily; your neck hurt a bit from it being held down at an odd angle, but...

'Soft...does it run in the family...?' You thought with a blank face and a slight flush.

You felt tugging at the bottom of your leg, and you twist your head to the source. With Katsukis hand still holding your head down uncomfortably, you looked at the small children boredly.

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