When I Look in Her Eyes, I Just See the Sky Ch.34

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⚠️- romantical kiripima time, cursing probably

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Two boys much a liked walked.

They had the same interests, idols, ambitions, even where their loved lied were the same.

However, if you looked at them, most would say they're polar opposites.

Katsuki Bakugo, a boy who felt like a new man after being forgiven. Now going to a particular apartment to crash at.

Izuku Midoriya, a boy who felt like a shell of himself after he realized he hurt the one girl he adored. Now going to the same "particular apartment" to apologize.

These two not-so-polar opposites were now standing side by side at your front door.

"Deku?! What the fuck are you doing here?" Bakugo grumbled while shoving him away from the door.

Midoriya huffed with a small scowl moving back to the door, "I'm here to see L/n-San. Now can you please just go away for once?"

"What did you just say to me, you damn guppy-?!"

"I said to leave-!"

The two quickly got into an 'up in your face' argument- a rather loud one too.

Suddenly the door flashed open with you shouting in a very annoyed tone, "Mr. and Ms.Yamamoto, I've told you several times already- I'm not a lawyer, I don't know how to get you a divorce! -Oh."

Midoriya let go of Bakugos collar, making him fall with a thud, "Y-Y/n-San!"

"Hey, dumbass- I tried to get this idiot away from here, but he wouldn't go!" Bakugo quickly tattle taled from the concrete floor.

You blink and look over the stairs while stepping over the two wordlessly, "Bye."

"Wait- Y/n-San wh-where are you going?" Izuku quickly stammered out.

"To the gym with Kirishima." You reply bluntly, still not looking in his direction.

On que, a voice exclaimed, "Hey dude! You ready to go yet- or are we waiting on Sol-bro again?"

You grew a soft smile as the two of you did odd hand gestures Kirishima called "a secret handshake but manlier."

"Hey man, and no, he'll meet us there after work." You reply while handing him a 30g or protein preworkout.

"Hey, when did you and shitty hair become all buddy-buddy hah?!" Bakugo shouted and pointed accusingly at the both of you.

Kirishima grew a big toothy grin, putting an arm over you he explained, "I asked Y/n-Bro to teach me how she got her sick muscles— and then she agreed to train me for the sports festival! Now we're workout buds and best friends, right Y/n-bro?"

You nodded and mumbled, "I quite like his hair..."

And just like that, the two of you ran off in one manly man swoop leaving the two polar opposites to gape at the new development.

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