When a Door Closes a New One Opens Ch.27

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⚠️- cursing, blood, uh angst maybe???

~announcing that since Y/n has been in U.A she is 5'9 no slander allowed on this topic 😩‼️~

"L/n-chan! L/n-channnn, come help, please scary iceman is after me, and I don't know how much longer I can dodge!"  Kaminari's shaken and whispering voice came through the earpiece.

"On my way, just hold out and find Iida until I get there." You instructed while wiping the blood off your arms and face.

Scales started to grow out of your skin, and your back started to hurt like hell. Hissing in pain, when you wiped off blood in the wrong direction, you began to run around just hoping you'd find Kaminari eventually.

When your breath started to fog, you knew you were close.


I've covered your feet just before you could turn to see a now frozen in place Kaminari and a...

Was this an odd parody of the terminator?

But ice?

Whatever he was, you knew he was an opponent.

"Just give up; you're frozen in place," Todoroki said softly but menacingly.

"Hah?" You say while lifting up your foot and breaking the ice.

"I won't be beaten so easily this time, L/n," Todoroki said darkly as he passed by Kaminari to face you.

As blood dripped down your jawbone and limbs, you smirked, "Oh yeah? What you'll last two minutes instead of one? Pathetic."

A moment before the battle started, you both look each other right in the eyes. One pair blank of emotion yet the expression of determination and coldness, the other of livid condescension.

Ice-covered his fist, and bright white energy covered yours as the both of you brace yourselves.

"L/n-San, the door is blocked. I can't get through!" Iida shouted as he turned corner.

You whip your head around, "What-?!"

Impact hit your stomach, and blood coughs up from your mouth. Todorokis eyes widen in horror, he didn't actually think his icy punch would hit you- especially this hard. He didn't know what this feeling was; it was familiar.

It was a sickening feeling, similar to the one he would get when his mother would get hurt.

You stumbled back a bit, and Iida caught you, "L/n-San!"

You cough as more blood spill out of you, "What...what is the door blocked by?"

'I guess that Yin's energy burst to one-shot All Might took more out of me than I thought...'

"That's not important right now, L/n-San! You're hurt badly, we should stop the fight!" Iida said as he looked around for a camera or a speaker.

"We can't...then I wouldn't be the winner...."

You get up and stomp on the ice, it shattered, and Kaminari was freed. He ran over to you and stood to the side of you,

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