They Say Ignorance is Bliss Ch.12

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⚠️- cursing uh idk what else lol

"Y/n-Chan...we're here..."

You groggily open your eyes and nod, "Are you going to tell me where we are yet?"

Shindo laughed as you both stepped off the bus, "We're already here- look!"

Your face contorted into surprise as bright and colorful lights shone in front of you brightly. Shindo took your hand again and eagerly took you to the entrance,

"It's a 24-hour light show; I've been wanting to come here for years! I never did because it would feel weird if I came alone."

You nodded dreamily, and your eyes wandered the area- lights were glimmering and fading into patterns, animals and heroes were made out of lights. It was magical.

The place was surprisingly packed- well for the day and time at least. A woman handed both of you tickets and smiled,

"Down the hall to the left."

After quickly saying "thank you," you both walk down the hall to see an odd train-like thing- but without a roof and with benches. A happy-looking old man in a conductor's costume opened the door for you two. Shindo let you in first, then slid in with an arm around you, just like when you were on the bench last time.

It's funny how things change so quickly.

You weren't sure if you liked how fast-paced it was, though,

But for now, you would just try to enjoy what you could of this light show.

The carts moved at a pace where it wasn't too fast but just enough to let you enjoy the light displays. All the bright colors reflected off of your face giving you a magical glow; Shindo found himself aweing at you more than the lights.

A particular leaf made from lights came into view, Mistletoe. You felt a pair of eyes boarding at you; when you turned, your eyes met his. The emotion in his eyes was also new for you- it was something wanting, no more like needing. Both entranced with each other's eyes your lips parted slightly as you leaned into each other,

"Look- it's All Might." You say, leaning past him and pointing.

"Huh?" He turned his head to where you pointed, and there was indeed an All Might display.


You yawned as Shindo, and you walked in the gift shop,

"Thank you, Shindo. That was fun."

He nodded and browsed some items, then replied casually, "It's the least I could do for a cutie like you."

You blushed a bit and stayed silent; not sure what to say, you decided to just brows some items too. Holding two key chains of All Might with a Santa hat, you and Shindo went to the cash register. The old lady chuckled as she rang up the items.

You look at Shindo with a quirked eyebrow, "Why are you buying a plant?"

Shindo chuckled, "It's mistletoe- who knows, maybe it'll come to use."

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