The True Colors of Naive Boys Ch.5

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⚠️-cursing and Izuku does pervy stuff and I don't wanna hear no complaints from your asses- this is the kinda low key shit you came here for :///

Bakugos heart was beating out his chest, and it felt like time was in slow motion as he saw your lips part.


'Is this a confession- I-I mean, I guess she's alright, not as good as me, but I guess I could let her have a shot at me, heh.' Bakugo thought with an internal nervous smirk.


You finally finished with a sheepish smile.

If the wind were any stronger, it would've blown Bakugo away.




Breathing out after a big yawn, you tried to blink the sleep away. Your nose was cold as you sniffed a bit, then some classic footsteps came up behind you.

"L/n-San! I saw what happened on the news! Are you okay?" Midoriya asked nervously.

"Huh?" You say while looking at Midoriya, confused.

"The poachers- you and Kacchan took them down, right? That makes you like a real hero,, L/n-San, you're so cool!" Midoriya finished excitedly, looking up to you with sparkles in his eyes.

Your cheeks heat up a bit and hold the back of your neck, "I guess..."

You only got more embarrassed the more he kept rambling about how cool you were. Soon enough, his chatter died down once the two of you entered the classroom and took your seats.

"Hello, class! You all did great on your videos, especially you two; Bakugo and L/n!"

Most everyone glances at the two of you, not that you noticed. I mean, who could when this was suddenly blaring in your head.


'It's clearly all because of me; you're welcome, Y/n.' Tsunami said cockily.

'Hey now, y/n puts in a lot of hard work of her own. Don't take all the credit, Nami.' Yang replied with a scolding undertone.

'I still think we should've killed Thea random guys from the forest.' Yin added, and they all murmured in agreement.

'Why can't today be over already...'


"L/n-San! Would you like to walk home together?" Midoriya said while holding a notebook close to his chest.

You look up to him blankly, thinking for a second, actually taking his question seriously.

With a small smile gracing your features, you replied, "Yeah, I'd like that."

He smiled brightly as you got your things together. The hero news of the afternoon was about a hero in Canada that saved a bus of children. You softly smile and listen as he rambled about how unique the guy's quirk was; he caught himself and covered his mouth while muttering an apology.

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