Honesty is the Best Policy Ch.15

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⚠️- cursing I think? Idk stop being a puss-

Midoriya held your hand as the both of you left the building to go get his book that Bakugo three out of the window. His tear-stained eyes glared at the fish who were already nibbling at his notebook. Looking at his reflection, he asked you,

"L/n...do you...do you pity me? Is that the only reason you even stay around me?"

Your eyes widen in surprise, "Of course not, Midoriya."

"How do I know you're not lying to me!" He shouts with his eyes squeezed shut.

You sigh, " You can't know. All I can say is you're the most important person to me, Midoriya. Just because I care about your well-being doesn't mean I pity you- I know the line between caring and pitying is a thin one but...

I know I care about you, Midoriya."

He blushes with a slightly agape mouth, "S-sorry..."

Your sigh turned into a small chuckle as you put him into a tight embrace.

"Midoriya, there's something I've always wanted to tell you..."

He blushed while his heart rate went higher- from the hug or what he was hoping you'd say, he didn't know.

"Would you want to be my...."

His heart was about to beat out of his chest. You pull away from the hug and hold him by the shoulders,

"Sworn friend?"


You grin excitedly, "My sworn friend- we go into battle together- loyal to one another! The truest form of companionship and platonic love! We protect each other through thick and thin when we become heroes!"

"When?" Midoriya says with stars in his eyes.

"When." You repeat with a smile.

Sure he was dying internally at the unreal amount he had been friend-zoned, but...this was probably the closest he's ever be able to get to you. Well, without force, that is.

He gives a weak smile, "S-sure!"

Your grin gets bigger, and in the back of your mind, you feel a sense of deja vu, "Great!"



You internally groan as you and Midoriya approach the three idiots plus yang squad- who were currently crying.

They all run to you, "Y/nnnnnnn, we broke the microwave!" Sol cries loudly.

"We're so sorry!!!!!" They all cry- well, not Yang, but he did apologize.

"What did you guys do-?" You ask with an annoyed undertone.

They all look at Yang to explain; he sighed and begun to tell the tale of the broken microwave.

"Tsunami wanted to put tin foil in the microwave, and Yin told him not to. They got into a fight that Sol and I tried to break up; Sol accidentally smashed the microwave."

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