Lets Go Lesbians! Ch.19

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⚠️- Cursing, seggual joke (like one) and Momo 😩👌

"Remember Y/n- retrieve victory no matter what! Destroy the competition- the scholarship depends on it!" Sol said while shaking you back and forth.

"Yes, Y/n, you must set the expectations high then break through them, again and again, to truly become great," Yang said calmly down to you.

You nod and blush a bit while waving them off, "I'll be fine; I'm already accepted this is just a formality, I'm sure..."

Tsunami kept adjusting your rather fancy workout clothes and hair, "Yes, well, if there are others there, you must look your best to intimidate them!"

"Or you should just kill them- I still think this is a battle to the death," Yin said darkly and dramatically as the rest of you deadpan.

That was until the dragons started to mumble in agreement...

"Alright, alright- I won't hesitate if it's that, you happy?" You groan while reaching for the door nob.

"WAIT!!!" They all shout.

"What?" You hiss in annoyance while checking the time.

"We gotta present for you!" Sol chirped while handing you a present; the other three stood to the side of him, nodding happily.

"Open it!"

You gently take the slim, neatly wrap box and open it; there was a hairpin inside. You pick up the golden hairpin- it had an elegant and intricate design as well as a dragon head with a bright red jewel.

"Where did you guys even get this- we can barely afford another microwave..." You deadpan at them while the dragons double over from shock.

"It's something very important to us; that is all you need to know." Yang stated.

The rest of them look away with a darkened expression. You were going to ask, but why bother? Though you were still curious...

Shrugging your shoulders and quickly twist your hair into a bun with the pin.

( if you don't have enough hair to do that first off: sucks to suck second pretend that it's a brooch or something Igaf)

"Can I go now?" You say boredly.

They nod and engulf you in one big bone-crushing hug- except Yin; he was too "cool" to be in the hug. After you wiggled out, gave them the middle finger but a wave to Yang- you left.

They all looked at the door with a sigh.

"Hey Sol, wanna have sex?" Tsunami asked casually now that you were gone.

"Yeah!" Sol shouted before throwing Tsunami over his shoulder and running to the bedroom.

"I call the earmuffs-" Yang said.

"Damnit, why did we only buy one pair-?!?!"

Yin ran out of the door and quickly leaned over the railing, "Y/N TAKE ME WITH YOUUUU!"

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