A Declaration of Love and Hate Ch.35

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⚠️- cursing, Shindo because you guys hate him for some reason 😕

"Remember to win."

"You can't lose today!"

"Do you're best, Y/n."

"Kickass, or we'll kick yours, HAHAHA!"

You just nod and say okay at each of the comments you received from the dragons. A knock at the door was your saving grace,

"Hey, Y/n-Bro! Ready to go yet!" Kirishima energetically shouted from the other side of the door.

Swinging the door open with bright eyes contradicting your blank face, you say, "Yes- I am. Let's go, dude."

Kirishima chuckled a bit at how awkward you would always sound saying nicknames like that.

"Aren't you guys coming?" Kirishima asked as he was pulled away from the door by you.

"YEAH, WE ARE, AREN'T WE?" Sol sobbed as he reached out to you- he cried more when you ignored him to scratch your jaw.

"We're waiting for one of Y/n-Chan's friend; then we'll head over. Just go on ahead; we'll be cheering for you Kirishima-kun, but not too much, haha!" Yang explained with a light-hearted yet truthful joke.

He sweatdropped and nodded before keeping his pace up with you.

"Ahh- theres going to be lots of people at the stadium. I'm so pumped!" Kirishima exclaimed.

You huff a bit in amusement. He smiled brightly, "I'll show you that all the training you put me through wasn't for nothing! And I'll try my best to win too, haha!"

"That's admirable; however, don't get too upset when I win an overwhelming victory." You simply explain with a small cocky smirk and pride gleaming in your eyes.

He gave a determined smile and held up his fist,

"I'm always up for a challenge."

You hum and knock his raised fist with yours. You found the gesture cute.

Midoriya watched the two of you stroll and engage each other, shakily seething in anger.

He should've been there with you.

He should've been the one to stand next to you.

Midoriya didn't notice he was drawing blood from his ring finger.


"Everyone, are you ready?" Iida shouted as you and him stood at the doorway.

"It's about time we go in." You add boredly while taking the apple sauce packet from your mouth.

As the room grew anxious and you leaned on Iida while playing games, Todoroki approached Midoriya.


"Todoroki-kun. What is it?" Midoriya responded uneasily while glancing over to you.

"Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you," Todoroki stated to which he nervously agreed.

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