Chapter 17

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I was getting ready for a rehearsal dinner, that was later on this evening.

I had to go for the presidents daughter and her fiancé. Obviously I have to go because of business. If I didn't work I would rather lay in bed all day but I guess Kai had other plans.

All Kai does anyways in events like these is smile to cameras and act like some sort hero to the people. Which I can now see he's not. He's so fake and I just started to realise that. Silly me.

Maybe Lisa helped me realise that. But I can't really 100% trust Lisa, come on she's a thief after all.

But maybe going isn't going to be so bad, I mean what if Lisa actually shows up to this event to. I have butterflies thinking about it but I also get nervous when I'm around her, even if I don't give off that impression to her.

There is a chance that she won't turn up then and yet again I'll think I'm dressed up for nothing. Well last time wasn't for nothing because she was at the gala and she kissed me so I must of looked irresistible to her.

I get a mix of emotions when I think about the night of our first kiss together. I'm kind of still upset with Lisa that she didn't tell me it was her and we kissed. I wanted to take her mask off so I can confirm it was her. I knew it was her that night but yet me being foolish let that kiss happen. I really don't normally kiss strangers but I felt familiar because it was Lisa.

I applied a little make up on to match with my outfit. Kai wanted me to meet him at his office before we set off to the rehearsal dinner. I really didn't want to but I didn't want to fight with him so I just agreed. He's such a controlling boss, which is so annoying.

I was finished getting ready. Let's just get this day over with.....


I woke up the next morning. Everyone was eating breakfast, Rosé was in the computer room eating her breakfast as she works.

I go into the computer room and close the door.

Rosé: morning Lisa

Rosé says as she finished her breakfast and put the plate on the side out of her way.

Lisa: morning

I smile

Rosé: what's up.

I chuckle

Lisa: I hope your breakfast great this morning because we have a problem.

Rosé nods her head.

Rosé: BM already filled me in on the whole Wild Bear situation, of Kai realised a list with our name and faces, this whole job is in jeopardy.

I scratched the back of my neck

Lisa: can we get ahead of this? Swap out the information on the list.

I looked at Rosé and she nods

Rosé: I can but I can't just put in a random name and a random profile I have to swap your info with actual guest because If our aliases aren't on the list, we're not getting in.

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