Chapter 16

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At the palace....

Me and BM found Bambam and the rest of crew, near the back of the huge crowd.

Rosé: good you guys made it, the speech is about to start.

Everyone watches the platform near the palace steps as we see the president daughter Bo-Young standing behind the microphone along with her husband Dong-Joon. The president wasn't here for the first time.

Lisa: look Kai is standing behind them like a shadow, why do I think this isn't going to be good news.

I say to the crew and they nodded in agreement.

Lisa: thanks for the intel Bam.

Bambam shakes his head.

Bambam: it wasn't mine it was hers

Bambam points at Jisoo and she glances up from her phone screen and gives me a nod.

Lisa: oh.

Jisoo gave us intel, I wasn't sure what to think. Bambam shakes his head.

Bambam: that's it! I need a word with you three.

Gesturing at me Rosé Lisa and Jisoo.

Bambam takes us to the side away from the others who were concentrating on Kai, Bo-Young and Dong-Joon.

Bambam: things aren't right between all of us and we need to address the elephant in the room.

Bambam sighs and looks at Jisoo, Jisoo frowns still feeling guilty for what happened.

Bambam: I did some thinking and Jisoo you are right we are more than just a crew we are family, family screw up and they get into fights but next time if something is up with your parents just talk to us okay?

Jisoo smiles as Bambam gives her a small smile.

Jisoo: I promise from now on, no more secrets.

I was happy Bambam forgave Jisoo like me and Rosé did. We all group hugged.

Rosé: lets go and join the others

We chuckled as we rejoined the others. We turned our attention to the couple in front of us.

Bo-Young: people of Seoul, thank you for your attention, as you know our wedding is quickly approaching.

Everyone was listening carefully.

Dong-Joon: To ensure public safety all roads will be closed in and out of the city during the wedding.

The crowd breaks into angry mutters and Jisoo turns to me.

Jisoo: this is so bad... how am I supposed to drive and get you guys to safety.

Then we see Kai come to the mic to talk. Giving the couple a reassuring look as the step aside for Kai to speak.

Kai: As the head of security for the wedding, I assure you we have the safety of Seoul in our minds, we want to keep unwanted elements away.

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