Chapter 11

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Jennie looks at me awaiting my answer.

Lisa: I would love to dance with you.

I take her hand and I lead her to the dance floor. One of her hands held mine while the other rested on my shoulder. We begin to move to the song.

Lisa: you're quite a good dancer.

Jennie smiles at me.

Jennie: thanks, you are too.

I fluidly release her into a spin, Jennie smiles and twirls beautifully back into my arms. Is there anything she can't do.

Jennie: not bad I didn't think you could keep up.

I chuckled at Jennie if only she knew me Lisa the thief was actually a pretty good dancer to.

Lisa: well that's only because I have a good partner.

I smile at Jennie and she gave me one back.

Jennie: you do have an excellent partner.

I could just kiss her right now. As the song ends another one begins and I noticed that Jennie expression changed into a sad one once again. I follow her gaze to see, Kai and he didn't look so happy.

Kai looks away as he plasters a fake smile on his face as he mingles with other guest. I look back at Jennie and she looked uncomfortable.

Jennie: can we get some air or another drink?

Jennie said as the smile that was on her face moments ago has disappeared and I know it's because of the asshole Kai.

Lisa: of course we can.

I picked up some drinks from the bar before me and Jennie go out to the terrace. I closed the door behind us so we can get some time alone.

As we walked out we took in the cool night, we take in the city view which was beautifully set in front of us.

Jennie: I'm sorry I just had to get out of there, me and my boss... well we haven't really been on good terms tonight.

I have to act like I didn't know Kai was her boss because hello she doesn't know I'm Lisa.

Lisa: oh that guy in there was your boss, looks like a total asshole.

Jennie looks at the view.

Jennie: well he's...

She stopped herself from finishing her sentence. She just sighs.

Jennie: its complicated.... this person is trying to mess up my boss's plan and her and my boss have some history, like they have some bad blood.

I know she's talking about me. Interesting.

Lisa: it must of been hard for you being caught in the middle of this.

Jennie sighs again and nods her head

Jennie: you have no idea... this person is smart she's knows what she's doing and she won't stop until my boss is embarrassed and called out in front of everyone.

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