Chapter 3

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I've already told Rosé and Jisoo our plan to get Bambam out of this hell hole of a prison when we got onto the speedboat which took us to this secret jail in which Kai has him in and now it's time to get my brother out of there.

The prison was located in the outskirts of Seoul. The prison was in the middle of a beach which took us quite awhile to get here because it's a top secret prison. The prison building was a dusty black color, which was unrecognisable because of the tall leafy trees covering it.

When we got into the prison where they're trapping Bambam in. Only 2 visitors were allowed in so Jisoo was in the speedboat so we can get away when we take Bambam out of there. The walls were a rusty cream color, I mean for a top secret prison they could of at least clean the place up a little bit.

Me and Rosé used different names to get an appointment here because our real names will get a big red flag, good thing these people can't match our faces only more higher up agents know that but this is just a quick jail break, it's not like this is any less illegal then half of the things we have done in the past.

We went into a private room escorted by this annoying officer who thought we was up to no good. I mean he's right but maybe he should mind his own business. He leaves probably to get Bambam out of the dirty cell he's never going to be locked into after we see him.

When we came into the room, it was like a confessional room, it looked very similar to that but without that big window where officers can see you from the one sided glass. Lucky it looked much nicer in here then it does out there.

When I tell you this prison is for the top criminals you best believe it because In normal prisons you share a visiting room with a whole bunch of people but this was only us, that's why it's easier for us to get out of here because there's loads of rooms and floors in this prison.

We waited quite awhile for the arrival of my dear friend. We see Bambam dressed in his orange prison jump suit, his hands handcuffed in front of him. He's here.

Finally after 6 long mouths I see his face again, Bambam face lights up when he sees us but then his expression changed as he looked at the annoying officer. The officer Unlocked Bambams handcuffs and Bambam rolled his wrists stretching them and then he takes a seat across from us with an unreadable expression. The annoying officer leaves the room. We could see his little head though the little glass. He was standing guard. As soon as that door shut Bambams face changed into a smile.

Bambam: well would you look who it is, is it my birthday?

Bambam smiles brightly at us as we sit in front of him.

Rose: we missed you Bam

I see Bambam smile soften a bit.

Lisa: you're probably confused on why we are here.

I say but when Bambam just shakes his head at us I was little confused.

Bambam: nope I know you Lisa because you know we think alike. I just want to know what the hell took you so long to get me out of this shit hole.

I smirked, well you know what they say, great minds really do think alike.

Lisa: Kai got you here and we are going to take our revenge and take you out of here.

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