Chapter 25- The Lowlife Heiress

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I checked my watch after stepping out of the car. It is nearly 6:00. "Did I come too late? I think she went home now."

However, the lights were still on in her office, which convinced me that she was still working. "Aigoo... why work overtime on your birthday?"

I stepped inside the gallery with a smile and a box of cake I held in my hands. No people were wandering around the gallery's artistic displays as the building was about to close. Just the janitor mopping the floor while whistling in tiny. I turned towards the reception area, greeted by a sweet smile from the two receptionists.

"How have you been?" I bowed as I exchanged smiles with them.

"We've been doing pretty well, Jungkookie," the other answered. "How about you? Visiting our CEO during her birthday, huh. That's so sweet of you!"

I just chuckled. "We're just used to doing this to each other."

"Don't worry. Miss Shanshan is still upstairs."

"Thank you, noonas. I want to go and see her now. See you later," I said, feeling the excitement I'd never felt while leaving to see her. I happily climbed the stairs, feeling the warm ambiance of the gallery. I didn't know why recently, she's taken over my mind. Throughout my work, she filled my thoughts, making me grin while thinking of her embarrassing moments with me. She's such a dummy! Now that her birthday has come, I feel eager to spend time with her, not knowing what kind of funny memories we can make again.

I turned around a corner, eyeing the sign that said 'CEO's Office' before stopping.


Min Ho nearly jumped from his place as I caught him sticking his ear on the office's door.

"Ah! You startled me, Jungkookie!" He shouted in a whisper while he winced with pain, putting his hand on his chest.

"What are you doing at your office door?" I asked, laughing, but he immediately placed a finger on his nose and pulled me away from the place.


"I know my family sent you here because they are prohibited from seeing me," I said, inhaling a deep breath while looking at the painting on the wall.

Mark was seated at my desk while I was standing, facing my back on him.

"You're surprisingly amazing. You dared to sign a restriction order against your own family," he chuckled. "I'm here for a business trip for two weeks, and yes, part of my stay here is to see you."

"Just tell me what you're here for... or should I say, what my family wants from me?" I said, quietly gripping on the edge of Min Ho's table, still not facing him.

"Lee Ji Hyo..."

I gripped my hands tightly while shutting my eyes as I heard my old name.

"Your father's business is going down. They need you to save the company-"

"W-what?" I laughed ironically, turning to him as he scanned my body in my red dress, almost losing his focus on our conversation. "I already made it clear that I do not have anything to do with their family!"

^^ MIN HO ^^

Something's strange. The way Shanshan's expression turned into shock when he saw that foreign guy showed that there was something wrong. He must be sent by her family from New York.

I leaned on the door, trying to eavesdrop after she sent me out, but all I could hear were muffled voices. That was when Jungkook appeared and scared me to death. I pulled him away quickly, leading him to a VIP room.

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