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   Wait. What's going on here? I thought Lauren didn't like Ms. Smith because of our... interaction at school. At least it's Ms. Smith that stopped her because at first I thought maybe it was someone trying to flirt with my woman. I know I'm the only female Lauren has ever been with and I know she loves me but sometimes I worry she will leave me for someone else because I don't see how I'm good enough for a woman like her. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear that sexy voice I love so much calling my name.

   I look and see Lauren and Ms. Smith a few feet from our table and Lauren motions for me to come to her. I swallow hard because I don't know what the hell is going on here. There is no way she told Ms. Smith about us. Is there?

   I excuse myself from the table and walk over to them. I stand next to Lauren and she leans in and kisses my cheek then whispers "it's okay." I nod my head at her but I'm confused to be standing here with her and Ms. Smith but she seems calm about the situation.

   Lauren smiles at me, "Tylisha wanted to speak to you but didn't want to interrupt our dinner." I raise my eyebrows, clearly confused as to what is going on. I must have missed something if they are being friendly after Lauren acted so jealous of Ms. Smith.

   Ms. Smith turns to me and says "congratulations Kyler on your graduation and I know Lauren is extremely proud of you." I glance at Lauren and she smiles at me and I feel her hand slip into mine. "Umm, thank you Ms. Smith, I appreciate your kind words." She laughs "Kyler you can call me Tylisha and I have to say you and Lauren are so adorable together. You two make a great couple and I'm happy for the both of you." I whip my head around to look at Lauren and she smiles and nods her head.

   "Thank you but umm, I don't understand?" Lauren squeezes my hand "she knows we're together Kyler and she is happy for us." Okay what the hell? How does she know about us? I guess my expression says it all because they both laugh.

   Ms. Smith, well I mean Tylisha, nods her head. "As I told Lauren this morning, I'm sorry if I caused any problems between the two of you after our... you know, in my classroom. I will say, it was unexpected when you decided to bust in my room and basically jump me. Then Lauren walked in and I saw right then that you two were in love with each other. You might not have known it at the time but you two were head over heels for one another. Actually Kyler, your first day at school here was a little giveaway for you. You look at Lauren the way I wish someone would look at me."

   I smile at Lauren then look at Tylisha. "Well I have been crazy about her since I first saw her. And Tylisha, I'm sorry for putting you in that situation at school. It was wrong of me to use you like that and I hope you can forgive me for nearly ruining your career."

   Tylisha laughs "don't worry about it, it's water under the bridge and yes I forgive you. I will admit it was kind of hot and you are hot but unfortunately you're not really my type. It was really nice to get that type of affection and I tried to make myself like you because I was desperate for the attention. I know that sounds bad but I have never got over a crush I had on a... beautiful girl when I was a teenager. So after many failed relationships, I wanted to feel something so I'm sorry for using you too. We were both wrong but that's in the past and I wish eventually we could all be friends.

   My eyebrows shoot up as I quickly look at Lauren but she doesn't seem upset. "Don't feel weird about this or what I said. I had already talked to Lauren about everything so we are good." Tylisha says after seeing my expression.

   Lauren says "yeah baby, we talked when I was taking those papers around to the English department. She wanted to talk about it to clear the air so we did and I'm glad. Everything is good and I know that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to Tylisha." All I can say is "wow."

   We bid our goodbyes to Tylisha since our food was brought out and went back to our table. Once we sit down Lauren leans in and whispers in my ear "I will tell you more about it on our way home because when we get home... you have unfinished business to take care of." As she pulls away from me her hand rubs up my thigh and she gives it a quick squeeze. I feel a shiver run through me just thinking about making love to Lauren when we get home.

   "Who was that?" Julia asks as she is eyeballing me and Lauren.

   Lauren says "that was Tylisha Smith. She is a teacher at the high school I was at." As soon as she says that her mom and dad both say "what" at the same time. She looks at her parents "mom and dad, I actually quit my job today."

   Mr. David is the first to respond. He looks directly at me with fire in his eyes "you caused this didn't you?" He asks in an angry tone. "Okay dad, cut the crap. This was my decision and my decision only. Do not even think about blaming Kyler." Lauren sternly says.

   I must say, her authoritative tone is panty soaking hot. Before I have any more inappropriate thoughts though, I hear Lauren say "I will discuss this later with you dad but for now we are done with the conversation. Tonight's dinner is about Kyler and her accomplishments and her graduating and all of us spending time together. So let's just enjoy dinner and one another's company."

   The rest of dinner is nice. We all carried on conversations, shared a lot of laughs and just enjoyed one another's company. This is my family. I've never had a big family before so this is actually really nice. I have the love of my life, my loving aunt and a brother I never knew I had. Plus, now I have a crazy, interrupting but caring sister in law and a wonderful mother and father in law. I know it may be crazy to call them that but I actually think that because I know I want to marry Lauren.

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