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There is a tall slender man in a business suit at the door. He smiles at me and asks "is Lauren home?" I look at him for a few seconds "Yeah hold on and I will get her" I say. I walk into the kitchen "Lauren there is a man at the door asking for you." She walks out of the kitchen to the front door. I decide to be a little nosey so I follow her back to the front door. I am curious to see what this man wants.

Lauren greets the man as Chris and asks him what he is doing here. "I brought these files for Mike. I know he is in bed sick but if he feels better he might want to start on this account." Chris says as he is eyeing her. That is weird because Mike is not home sick. He left for a four day business trip to San Francisco and this dude better quit looking at her like that. "Oh... okay" Lauren says apparently confused too. Then she asks "when are y'all going back to San Francisco?" Chris says "Oh we finished up that account a couple months ago so I don't know when or if we might be going back. You must want to take a trip there whenever Mike goes back. That would be a nice little getaway for you and him when he is not working." She nods her head. "Yeah and I will make sure Mike gets these. Thanks Chris." Lauren says.

After Chris leaves I try to talk to Lauren about what just happened but she just says "not now Kyler." Not long after Chris leaves Lauren's sister Julia shows up. Dinner is ready by then so the three of us sit down to eat. I want to talk to Lauren about what was said when Chris came by and about the kiss but I know now isn't the time. At least she didn't get mad and slap me for kissing her. Well, I hope she is not mad. I probably screwed everything up between us.

Lauren and Julia catch up over dinner and talk to me about living here and my life back in Pensacola and plans for after high school. I like Julia, she is easy to talk to and seems really fun to hang out with. She is pretty but definitely nothing like Lauren and definitely not my type. Out of nowhere Julia says "I'm straight as hell, but Kyler I would be so gay for you." Lauren nearly chokes on her wine and after a few seconds of coughing says "Julia, don't even."

Julia laughs "come on Lauren, she is hot. She may only be 18 but she looks older and she is gorgeous and at least she is legal." I smirk at Lauren as she cuts her eyes to me. I look at Julia "no, your sister is the hot, gorgeous one. I mean damn, just look at her." Julia sets her glass down "Kyler, are you a lesbian?" Lauren shakes her head as she slams her glass down. "Julia please stop." I look between the two of them and smirk. "It's okay," I say to Lauren. "Yes, Julia I am and I have helped supposedly straight girls figure out their not really straight."

"Wow." Is all Julia says. I laugh "yeah that's what they usually say when I'm done with them." Julia raises her eyebrows and says "I figured you were capable of turning straight girls and I would definitely..." Lauren slams her hand on the table "okay, that's enough." She looks a little irritated about mine and Julia's conversation and... jealous. Is that jealousy I see too?"

   After dinner I offer to clean the kitchen so Lauren can talk to her sister more. Lauren agrees and thanks me before showing Julia to the living room. Once I finish cleaning the kitchen up, I figure I will just head to bed and give her and her sister more time together so they can finish catching up.

   I step into the edge of the living room "goodnight Lauren I'm heading up to my room. It was nice to meet you Julia and goodnight to you also." They both say goodnight as I turn to head upstairs. About a quarter way up the stairs I hear Lauren "Mike said he had to go to San Francisco for a client he and Chris were meeting with. But Chris came by this afternoon with files for Mike to look over if he got to feeling better. Apparently he told Chris he was home in bed sick. His last two marriages ended from him cheating. I never even knew he had a second wife. I think he is cheating on me too and that's why he's never home." Lauren said to Julia.

Julia asks "so what are you going to do?" Lauren sighs "honestly Jules, I think I made a mistake marrying Mike. He is really secretive about everything and thinks he can control everyone. We have not had sex in over four months and he came home late the other night and tried to force himself on me. I don't feel like he loves me anymore and I'm not sure if I ever loved him like I should have or maybe I'm just not in love with him anymore. What makes all this even worse is the connection I feel with..." she lets her words drop off.

"With who?" Julia asks. "It doesn't matter. I really think it's... ughh." I hate hearing Lauren so stressed and I know it's wrong for me to be listening in on their conversation. But I also wonder if it has something to do with me. What connection is she talking about and with who?

After hearing that, I just go the rest of the way up the stairs and get in bed. I know I have to talk to Lauren about this. I feel so bad for her and she doesn't deserve what Mike is doing to her. I guess he will never change no matter what. Once a cheater always a cheater. I really want to confront him when he comes home and tell him what an asshole he is and find out if he did leave those bruises on her wrists by trying to force himself on her.

I'm lying in bed still awake with my mind just roaming. I feel the need to protect Lauren and keep her from ever getting hurt. I could just hear the pain in her voice when she was telling her sister. I want to hold her and let her know everything will be okay because I am here for her. I want to just wrap her in my arms and kiss all her hurt away. If she was mine she would be treated right and she definitely wouldn't get cheated on. She would be cherished in every way possible.

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