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Our caps and gowns are in the library for us to pick up then we have to line up at the football field at 12 p.m. Lila and I make it to the library at the same time and each get in line for our cap and gown.

   "Damn, you look really good in that dress. I bet you know who thinks so too. Wait, why do you seem so nervous?" Lila asks as she is studying me. I breathe out a deep breath "I have a plan for after the graduation ceremony for me and you know who." I whisper to her.

   Lila makes an 'oh' face then asks "what are you going to do?" I glance around us before answering her. "I'm going to try and get ahold of a mic then ask Lauren a question in front of everyone." I whisper again to make sure I am not over heard.

   Lila squeals and whisper yells "omg, you're going to ask her to marry..." I put my hand over her mouth to make her be quiet. "Will you please be quiet and no that's not what I'm doing." I remove my hand and Lila says "sorry, I got carried away but I could so see you doing that."

  I laugh because she is right. "Well maybe but that's not what I'm doing today." Lila slaps my shoulder "hey, my cousin is running the sound equipment for the ceremony. I can get a mic from him for you but only under one condition."

   I look at her and shake my head "I hate to even know what the one condition is but do tell." She laughs and leans into me and whispers "you've got to tell me what you're doing for Ms. Ja... I mean Lauren."

   I smirk at her "easy, it's something to help me and her out. That's all I'm saying about it because it's a surprise. If you can get that mic that will be awesome, if not I'm sure I can use my charm to get one or I will just interrupt graduation when I walk across the stage."

   Lila starts laughing "of course I will get you the mic. I didn't figure you would tell me anyway but it was worth a shot." We are the next two going into the library for our cap and gown. Once we have them and get back outside Lila says "I'm going to find my cousin and will bring you the mic." I nod "okay and thank you Lila." She throws me a peace sign and takes off to find her cousin.

   I decide to walk back into the school at the front office, mainly in hopes that I will see Lauren. I don't want to go in and bother her even though I want to see her really bad.

   As I am standing in the hallway looking at all the trophy and award cases I hear a very sexy voice "get that cap and gown on." I turn around and there she is in all her beauty. I swear Lauren looks like a goddess standing there with her hip popped out and a hand resting there.

   I smile as she walks towards me and notice her eyes roam down my body and back up. She licks her lips as she stops in front of me. She smiles at me and asks "did you not hear what I told you to do?" I give her a confused look and she laughs then takes my cap out of my hand and puts it on my head fixing it just right.

   "I want a picture of you in your cap and that sexy dress. You look wow... just so damn beautiful." She whispers to me. "Thanks" I say with a smile "and you look absolutely beautiful in case I haven't told you." Lauren laughs that beautiful laugh and it's music to my ears. "Why do you always do that? You don't have to always say those things to me." I laugh and shake my head "I tell you because you are. You deserve to be called beautiful, sexy and more, every single day."

   Lauren shakes her head, I step closer to her "I'm serious Lauren, you're incredible and I will gladly tell you everyday." Her lips turn up in a beautiful smile and she starts leaning into me. I start leaning in too but all of a sudden realization hits me that we are at school in the middle of the hallway.

   I want to kiss her so bad but I know we can't "Lauren" I say in a whisper yell and she jumps back. Her face turns red and I want to laugh but I hold it in. "L-let me get that picture." She says, clearly embarrassed that she nearly slipped up at school.

   I pose for the picture then step towards Lauren and with a smirk "don't worry beautiful, I want to kiss you too and more." She looks around us and with her eyes looking down the hallway she says "I-I have to go go grab my paper for my speech and head to the football field and you have to get over there to line up."

   "What's the hurry?" I ask as I try and contain my laugh. Her eyes finally meet mine and they are a little darker and her breathing has picked up. She whispers "I umm... I have to get away from you before I do something really stupid. You in that dress, just... I want you so damn bad right now."

   I bite my lip and let my eyes roam up and down her body. "I want you too. You know... I've always wanted to lay you across your desk and fuck you until you see stars." Her face turns red and her eyes widen as she looks at me. She clears her throat and turns, walking back to the office shaking her head. I watch her hips sway back and forth and laugh at how flustered she is. We always have this effect on each other and I wonder if it will ever stop. I hope not.

   As I'm standing in line at the football field, Lila comes running up to me. "Here" she says as she hands me a mic. "All you have to do is switch it on. Are you still nervous?" She asks.

   "Of course" I nod "but not as much." Lila quickly hugs me "well good luck and I can't wait to see what you're going to do." She goes to her spot in line as we start walking into the stadium. I glance to the bleachers at the crowd of people already there.

   We all take our seats and as I'm looking around, my eyes connect with Lauren's. She smiles at me and I smile back. She motions towards the bleachers and I look in that direction and see Aunt Mary, Kyle, Julia and Mr. and Mrs. James all standing up, waving at me. I know Lauren must have seated them all together and told them where I was sitting.

   I glance back at Lauren and smile then wave back to them. I can't believe I finally graduate today and Lauren and I will soon be in the clear. I never imagined my life would be like this. I so wish my mom was here today.

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