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Lauren excuses herself to go to the kitchen since she knows that it is Mike. I hear muffled talking then I hear Lauren tell him that he needs to get to the living room as she comes around the corner. As Mike comes into the living room he looks at me then he looks over at Kyle and he stops. He just stares at Kyle then looks over at me then back at Kyle. Mike  stands there quietly until Lauren breaks the silence, "Mike meet your son, Kyle."

Mike snaps his head around looking at Lauren like she is crazy. Before he has a chance to say anything I say "don't try to lie about this, we already have the proof in his adoption file. Plus he looks exactly like me." He looks at me then I ask "How could you or mom never tell me I had a brother? Why was he put up for adoption but I wasn't?"

Mike sits down on the couch. "Okay, I'm not going to lie. You may be mad at me but I'll tell you the truth. Your mother got pregnant when she was 16 and I was 18 at the time. Kyle was actually born on my birthday when I turned 19. Neither of us were ready to be parents. I wanted her to have an abortion but she didn't want to and her parents wouldn't allow that either. So my parents and I convinced her and her parents to put him up for adoption because that was best for all of us with our age and financial well being. I only did what was right at the time. There was no way we could raise a kid. My parents wanted me to have a future and a career."

"Well, nice of you to be honest now. I can't believe you. Even at 18 you were a manipulative asshole. Hell you were probably a cheater then too. I can't fucking stand the sight of you. I'm going to my room and calling it a night, I can't hear anymore of this and I definitely don't want to be around you."

Before walking out of the living room I look at Kyle "it was nice to meet you. Maybe we can hang out sometime and get to know each other. This is a lot to take in but it's pretty cool that I have a brother. Let me see your phone and I will put my number in." Kyle gives me his phone and I enter my number.

Handing him his phone back I ask "where do you live anyway?" He kind of smiles at me. "I actually live in La Vernia which is east of here. My parents live in Sutherland Springs." He says. "That's cool. Hopefully we can hang out and get to know each other. Text me so I have your number so we can keep in touch."

Then I head upstairs to my room before anyone can say anything else to me. I know it is going to be hard to sleep tonight after all of today's events. I get to my room and strip down to my panties and bra and get under the covers. I just want to go to sleep and maybe wake up realizing this was all a dream. How could my life get anymore fucked up than it is right now? Why didn't my mom ever tell me I had a brother?

I actually dozed off but I'm soon woken up by a door slamming. I hear Mike tell Lauren he is going back to work. They argue back and forth a while then he leaves slamming the door behind him. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and hear their bedroom door shut. I wonder what all was said after I came upstairs? I wonder if Lauren gave him the divorce papers.

I want to go check on her but I don't want to bother her either. Fuck it, I can't stay away from her. I need to know she is okay. I leave my room and walk to their bedroom not even putting any clothes on. I don't care about that right now I just have to check on Lauren. I softly knock and hear a quiet "come in." Lauren is standing at her closet and turns to look at me when I open the door. Her eyes involuntarily take in my bra and panty clad figure and she quickly looks away from me.

"I kind of heard you and Mike arguing. Are you okay?" She sighs "I'm sorry you heard us, I wish you hadn't. You have enough going on to think about and I don't want you worrying about what goes on between me and your father." Lauren runs her hands through her hair and turns back to the closet.

I step closer to her "you can't help what I hear or what I think about." She nods her head and says "I know, my head is just not in a good place right now." I place my hand on her back and ask "do you want to talk about it?" She starts shaking her head. "No" she refuses and starts to move away from me but I reach out and carefully grab her arm stopping her.

I wrap my arms around Lauren in a hug and whisper "you don't have to pretend with me, I'm here for you." I feel Lauren's body shaking as she starts crying. I hear her silent sobs and it breaks my heart to see her like this. She breaks free from my hug and wipes her eyes as she backs away from me. "I just want to be alone" she says as she brings her hands to her face.

I step towards her again "you don't have to hide from me or hide your pain. I'm here for you Lauren." I watch as she sits on the side of the bed propping her elbows on her legs and resting her head in her hands. She sniffles "Kyler... I... thank you but I just... I need to be alone for now. Please." She looks up at me with pleading eyes and I know I don't need to push her anymore. I see the sadness in her eyes and my heart breaks for her.

I just nod my head as I back up to the door. I know there's no use in pushing her and making things worse. I glance back at Lauren one more time then close her bedroom door and go back to my room. I want to be there for her and show her I care. I have never seen her so broken before and I hated seeing her like that. I want to hold her and tell her everything will be okay.

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