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    As I'm about to hug Lauren, we hear loud talking coming from the front office. We both freeze in place because we both recognize the voice. Before either one of us can say anything we hear "oh she is not my wife anymore we're divorced. Guess she wanted to keep that a secret." What is Mike doing here? Lauren pulls away and starts walking towards the door when it swings open and Mike steps into her office.

"Well, well, I should have known you two would be in here together. Lauren quickly asks "why are you here Mike?" He walks towards her and I start to step in front of her but she stops me. Mike looks at Lauren "I actually wanted to see you and it would be best if the lesbian left. We have unfinished business." What the fuck is he talking about?

"We have no unfinished business and if you have something to say just say it." Lauren says as she eyes Mike. I can tell by the tone of her voice she is annoyed by him being here. He laughs "Okay, if you want her in here then fine, maybe she can learn a thing or two. You owe me a quick fuck for old times' sake." Wait, what? He is out of his fucking mind. Before me or Lauren can say anything he grabs her by the arms and pushes her against the desk.

I take off towards Mike then Lauren yells "Kyler stop! Mike let go of me and get the hell out of here!" He laughs in her face "not until I get what's mine." He reaches up and tries to rip her blouse open.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" I yell as I storm up to him and push him away from Lauren and against the wall. I ball up my fist and punch him right in the nose and blood gushes out. "What the fuck!" Mike yells as he grabs his nose.

I start to hit him again but I'm stopped when I suddenly feel Lauren's arms wrap around my waist as she pulls me back. Mike pushes off the wall "I'm so fucking tired of you, you fucking dyke! All you ever do is ruin everything!" I try to launch towards him again but Lauren tightens her grip around my waist. About that time her office door opens and two school security guards walk in.

"Let go of me!" I yell as I try to go after Mike again. Lauren pulls me away from the situation but does not loosen her grip around me. "Kyler, please stop and calm down" she says as she is trying to calm me down. "I'm okay thanks to you but please just calm down baby" she whispers in my ear.  She looks at the security guards "get him out of here" and Mrs. Scott walks in and immediately comes to check on me and Lauren. She looks at Lauren "I heard the commotion so I called security and I'm glad I did." Lauren's nods "thank you Mrs. Scott" and the sweet older woman nods then leaves Lauren's office.

As the security guards are escorting Mike out he stops and has to open his mouth again. "I should contact the superintendent again because there's no telling what you two were doing in here. I don't know how y'all got out of trouble the first time I contacted him. I really don't care anymore though; I have more important things going on. Just so you know Lauren, I'm selling the house and everything in it. I'm moving to San Francisco to be with Amy." Then why the fuck is he here. "Who the hell is Amy?" I ask. Before he can answer Lauren says "probably his little whore he was cheating on me with or a new one."

Mike looks at Lauren "she's my fiancé and we are expecting our first child together. At least I will not have to worry about this child being gay. I will make sure of that and..." Lauren walks up to him and slaps him "so you came here thinking I would sleep with you first? You are a piece of shit and there is nothing wrong with Kyler or Kyle being gay. You need to get the hell out of my office and off school property before I call the police and press charges against you." I have never seen Lauren so pissed off before. She walks to the door and holds it open for him to leave and slams it behind him as he is escorted out by security.

I walk up behind Lauren and wrap my arms around her waist. She leans back against me and sighs "I'm sorry he said that Kyler." I turn her around to face me "it's not your fault Lauren so don't apologize for him. Are you okay though?"  She nods "yes I'm fine, my arms are a little sore but I'm fine honestly. Thank you again for stopping him. I don't really want to think about what could have happened if you were not in here." The bell rings signaling lunch is over which means I have one more class then I can go home.

Lauren and I stare at each other a few seconds then I say "I'm sorry" and quickly kiss her lips. She pulls away "Kyler, you can't do that here." I smirk "I know but I had to feel your lips and that's why I apologized first." She laughs "get to the nurse and have your hand checked out then get to class. Take your lunch with you so you can eat. Thank you by the way for lunch even though we didn't get to actually eat together."

I step closer to Lauren and whisper "I love you and will see you at home." She whispers "I love you too now go." I walk out of her office and Mrs. Scott just looks at me and smiles. I head to the nurse but would rather be going home or staying with Lauren. I knew she wouldn't let me do either so there was no point in asking.

I am pissed that Mike showed up here. I am more pissed though by his words and what he tried to do to Lauren but just hearing her say she loves me helps calm my anger. She is always like a welcoming breath of fresh air. Honestly though, I lived 10 years of my life without him in it so I am not going to fret and be hurt over him anymore. It's obvious he doesn't want me or care about me and I don't need him.

Once my last class is over I head home to relax a little and wait on Lauren to get home. No sooner than I get home and get in the door my phone starts ringing. I look and see Kyle is calling. It's been about a week since I've heard from him because he had finals going on. I answer the phone and Kyle and I talk for about two and a half hours and I am actually getting off the phone when Lauren unlocks the door.

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