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Luckily my phone rings and it's Aunt Mary calling so I excuse myself before Lauren can say anything. I step out into the mall to talk to my aunt. Once I finish my phone call, Lauren is walking out of Macy's towards me. "L-let's go find you some shoes and there's one more store I want to go in while we're here then we will grab a quick bite to eat if you want to" Lauren says trying not to look at me. "Okay lead the way" I say with a smirk.

We stop at Footlocker and Journeys to look for shoes. I pick out a pair of Vans and I'm ready to go. Of course Lauren makes me get two more pair of shoes. So I get another pair of Vans and a pair of Under Armour shoes. After getting the shoes, she heads straight for Victoria Secret. When we get inside Lauren says "I want to find a couple new sets. You should look for a couple too."

I just nod my head and walk around to look while Lauren is doing the same thing. Everything I look at, I imagine how it would look on Lauren. I know it's wrong to think of her like that but damn she is a sexy goddess and I can't help myself.

My face is on fire and I know it is because of my dirty thoughts of Lauren in some of this stuff in Victoria Secret and imagining me taking it off her and what I could do to her. What is this woman doing to me? She makes me act different in so many ways. Lauren finds me "are you okay? Your face is kinda red; you're not getting sick are you?" "N-no I'm fine and I'm ready if you are, so let's head to the checkout". Lauren and I both get two sets and each get a bottle of Victoria Secret body spray.

Leaving Victoria Secret Lauren asks "do you want to get something to eat?" I shake my head as another thought comes to mind. "I'm not really hungry... for food." I say with a smirk and Lauren quickly whips her head around and stares at me with raised eyebrows. I laugh at her reaction and add "but if I get hungry I will fix a sandwich at home. Get you something if you're hungry though."

Lauren shakes her head "I-I'm n-not really that hungry either but would love something to drink from Starbucks." I can definitely go for Starbucks so I say "that actually sounds good right about now, I can go for a venti Strawberry Acai. What do you want and I will order our drinks?" Lauren looks at me for a second "I actually want the same but I'm paying. Let me give you my card." She says.

Before Lauren has a chance to get her card out I'm already on the Starbucks app ordering our drinks. "I've already ordered and paid," I say as I glance towards Starbucks. She walks up to me and lightly bumps my shoulder with hers, "I was going to pay for the drinks, and I told you let me get my card out." I laugh, "I wanted to pay for something so just enjoy my treat and maybe you can get them next time. Don't worry your pretty little head over wanting to pay for everything." Then I wink at her.

As soon as the last sentence is out of my mouth, I realize what I said. I look at Lauren and her face is red and she is just staring at me with her mouth slightly open. It's like she wants to say something but is at a loss for words. "I'm sorry Lauren; I didn't mean to say that out loud. I don't know why I said it and I didn't mean..." She holds her hand up stopping me and blinks a few times "don't worry about it Kyler, it was... it was sweet and you're sweet."

Lauren raises her hand up towards my face like she is going to caress my cheek and I swear my breathing stops. Right before her hand can touch my cheek, it's like she realizes what she is doing and puts her hand back down and clears her throat. Okay, what the hell just happened? Did we just have a moment?

A few minutes later the barista calls my name out for our drinks. We get our drinks and head to the mall parking lot to Lauren's Range Rover to go home. I realize with the awkward silence between us that I definitely screwed up with what I said. I don't know why I said that to her. It's like I can't control my mouth sometimes when I'm around her. I have never felt this way about anyone. She is probably at war inside her head with what she nearly done. I glance over at her and can't help but stare. Creepy I know.

For some reason as I'm looking at her I blurt out "god you're so beautiful." I quickly turn my head to look back out the windshield. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lauren glancing at me. "What's gotten into you Kyler?" She asks as she is glancing between me and the road. "Nothing, I just... well, I didn't know if you had been told that today. You are though... really beautiful." From the corner of my eye, I see Lauren shift in her seat. "T-thank you Kyler." She says in a soft voice.

When I'm around Lauren it always feels like there's a magnet pulling me towards her. I want to know her, everything about her. I want to touch her, explore her body and claim it as mine. I actually want her to do the same to me. I definitely need that thought out of my head and all the other inappropriate thoughts about her because it's not appropriate given our situation. I think I'm ready to start school next week. I need a distraction to get my mind off of her. But I remember I will see her at school too. What am I going to do? I don't know how I'm going to make it around her.

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