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I furrow my brows in question. "What do you mean about us? Does someone know?" Lauren shakes her head. "Not technically, they just asked why you and I still spend time together since I am divorced from your father. I just told them that we become friends and that just because you are not my step daughter anymore didn't mean we couldn't still be friends."

I am chewing on the inside of my cheek while Lauren is talking because I can see worry in her eyes. "Well at least we will not have to worry about any of this after I graduate tomorrow." Lauren shakes her head "yes we will Kyler. We will be questioned on when the relationship started and people will assume that's why me and your father got a divorce." She sighs again then leans against me, resting her head against my shoulder.

"Well I have a plan for all that actually. So we will be okay and who cares what people think. We are the only two people in this relationship and the only two with opinions on it that matter. Plus we have your family's support and mine. Well Kyle and Aunt Mary's support." Lauren sits back up in my lap.

"Kyle knows about us?" She asks. I nod my head yes because I forgot to tell her. "Umm, yes he knows. He basically guessed when I talked to him yesterday. Your parents showed up as I was getting off the phone with him and I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry babe, I promise it slipped my mind. He was so excited he was screaming into the phone." She nods her head and laughs.

Lauren just looks at me and finally asks "And what do you mean you have a plan?" I smile at her then wink "you will find out tomorrow my love." I gently kiss her lips and feel her body relax into me. I wrap my arms around her holding her close after we break the kiss for air. We sit in silence but it's a comfortable silence.

"I'm going to go fix some burgers on the George Foreman for dinner while you go take a nice, warm relaxing bath. You stop worrying about everything, I promise it will be fine." I kiss the side of her head then pat her hip for her to get up. After Lauren gets off my lap and stands up she pulls me to my feet and wraps her arms around me tightly.

"I'm so scared of losing you." She whispers as she tightens her hold on me. "I'm right here babe and you're not going to lose me. The only way you will lose me is if you don't want to be with me anymore. Even then I would fight like hell to keep you." I say softly. I kiss the side of her neck and feel her shiver as my lips touch her skin.

As she loosens her hold on me I am able to pull away. I pop her on the butt "now go take that relaxing bath woman." Lauren starts laughing and it's music to my ears. She starts walking down the hall to the bedroom but suddenly stops. Turning around she says "Kyler..." I turn and look at her "Yes my love." She smiles big, "I love you." I smile too "I love you too. Now finish walking to the bedroom so I can continue staring at your ass." She yells "Kyler!" and tries not to laugh. I shrug my shoulders "what can I say, your ass is hypnotizing."

I walk into the kitchen laughing and start cooking the burgers and some sweet potato fries. Once the fries and burgers are finished, I fix our glasses and sit them at the island. As I am fixing our plates Lauren walks into the kitchen. She walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. I lean back into her "do you feel more relaxed now?" I ask. "I do." She says then kisses my shoulder.

Lauren releases me but before she can walk away I grab her wrist and pull her back to me. I tuck a wet strand of hair behind her ear. I lean in and kiss her neck working my way to her ear. My lips brush her ear and I whisper "I love hearing you say I do." Lauren's body freezes as the words leave my mouth. I look at her and from the look in her eyes, I know that was the wrong thing to say. Me and my fucking mouth!

"I'm sorry Lauren, I should not have said that. I realize it's still too soon to say something like that." Her eyes are glossy and she manages to say "yeah it kinda is. I'm sorry, I know you were just joking. It just... it made me realize how much further away I am from ever being able to start a family or if I will ever be able to. That was something your father and I had talked about before I found out he was cheating."

If only Lauren knew I wasn't joking. I want to marry her. I am so sure of that and I don't want to wait a long time before proposing either. "Let's just eat dinner okay. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Lauren just nods her head as I motion for her to sit down at the island while I grab our plates.

We mostly eat in silence with occasional graduation talk. Lauren did say that Julia was coming to the school tomorrow to eat lunch with her. We cleaned the kitchen up together but didn't really talk. I know Lauren's behavior is my fault and now I have to fix it.

Lauren goes to the living room and starts flipping through channels trying to find something to watch. I sit down beside her and notice she keeps opening and closing her eyes. "Are you tired babe?" She nods and looks at me "yeah I actually am. I think I'm just going to go lay down in bed." I grab her hand and stand up pulling her to her feet. "I will come with you." I say hoping she will agree and not shut me out like it seems she is doing.

Lauren looks at me a few seconds then shrugs "if you want to but you don't have to." She gets up and walks to the bedroom leaving me standing there. I sigh and head to the bedroom to relax with the love of my life. I will do anything I can to make her realize she can still have a family and maybe hint around to find out if she wants to get married again.

I strip out of my clothes so I'm just in my bra and panties and get in bed next to Lauren facing her. She looks at me and I look her in the eyes. Her ocean blue eyes sparkle with emotion. Her eyes are always so strong and can make me weak in the knees when she looks at me. I smile at the beautiful woman laying in front of me.

I gaze into her sad blue eyes and tenderly kiss her lips. As I go to pull away Lauren grabs ahold of me and presses her lips to mine. She pulls away "it's crazy how just touching or kissing you always seems to make everything better." I caress her face and she nuzzles into my hand. "I know how you feel Lauren. It's like... well it's hard to explain." She smiles "That's love for you, Kyler. Sometimes it makes no sense and can make you feel so wonderfully blissful."

"For me, sometimes it seems there are no words to describe it." I say as Lauren pulls me into her so my head is resting on her chest. She runs her fingers through my hair and I relax into her more. "I want to feel like this forever." I admit as I am tracing circles on her stomach. "Me to." She admits in a whisper and I smile.

I Loved You Before I Met YouWhere stories live. Discover now