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   Lauren and I both wake up to the sound of knocking on the front door. "What time is it?" I ask Lauren as she is sitting up in bed. "It's 12:45 sweetie" she says as she checks the time and we hear the knocking on the front door again. Lauren grabs her silk robe and puts it on just so she can get to the door before the knocking continues. As she walks out of her bedroom, well it's basically our bedroom now, I can't help but giggle at her messy after sex hair. I grab my shirt and sweatpants off the floor putting both on.

I didn't bother putting my bra and panties back on because I plan on us taking a shower when she's done at the door. I go ahead and grab both of us clean clothes as I faintly hear Lauren talking. I turn the shower on for the water to heat up and step back into the bedroom. I don't hear Lauren so I decide to go see what she is doing.

Heading to the living room I turn the corner "hey my love, who was at the..." I stop talking when I see her sister Julia looking directly at me with her mouth open. Lauren turns and looks at me and I realize I should have stayed in the bedroom. Before Lauren turns back to her sister, I hear Julia "what the fuck is going on here? Lauren, why is your stepdaughter talking to you like that and why do both of you look like you just had sex?"

I turn without saying anything and go back to the bathroom and turn the shower off. I know it will be a while before we can get a shower now. Of course me and my big mouth have fucked us up yet again. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut so I don't say things around the wrong people. I could hang out in the bedroom and let Lauren deal with her sister but I can't do that to her. I make my way back to the living room and see both of them just staring at each other.

I stop and look at both of them trying to access the situation. You can feel the awkward tension between the two of them. I decide right then to bite the bullet and be honest. There's no point in trying to hide it or lie about it to Julia. She is Lauren's sister after all and will eventually find out anyway. No, it may not be a good idea but I honestly don't think Julia will do anything to hurt us, especially not to Lauren. At least I hope I'm doing the right thing here.

I walk up beside Lauren and wrap my arm around her waist pulling her against me. I kiss her cheek "hey beautiful why don't we all sit down." Lauren whips her head to the side to look at me and I can see the fear in her eyes. I turn her so she is facing me and cup her face in my hands then lean in and gently kiss her lips. "It's going to be okay my love. Come on let's sit down and talk." Lauren is so tense and seems like she is in shock so I lead her over to the couch and sit down pulling her into my lap.

I wrap both arms around her waist and whisper "I love you Lauren and this will be okay." After telling her I love her she seems to loosen up a little. She leans back against me and faintly whispers "I love you too." I smile and peck her cheek then turn my gaze to Julia. She is just standing there with her mouth open, watching the two of us. It is silent until I say "please Julia sit down so we can talk." I just hope this goes good, at least for Laurens sake.

She sits down on the love seat finally "one of you better start explaining now because this does not look good. I mean Lauren, it looks and sounds like you are sleeping with your stepdaughter! Oh my god, you are the older one between us so how could you do something so stupid." I hear Lauren sigh but before she can start talking I say "first of all Julia I am not her stepdaughter." Julia interrupts "yes you are. Please tell me Lauren is not cheating on Mike with you. Or did you seduce her Kyler? Is that why you two are at this apartment instead of your big, nice house?"

She is starting to piss me off but I'm trying to remain calm. "Okay, Julia if you will be quite long enough I will explain." Julia nobs her head so I continue to talk. "Lauren and my... sperm donor are divorced because he was cheating on her so I am no longer her... stepdaughter. Just so you know nothing happened between Lauren and I until her and Mike were over. Well except that I kissed her twice but that's not important right now."

Lauren still seems to be at a lost for words so I guess it's up to me to finish explaining. "Lauren moved out before their divorce was finalized and got this apartment. I'm here because Mike kicked me out because he blames me for Lauren leaving him and he doesn't like that I'm a lesbian. Lauren offered for me to stay here until I graduate so I accepted her offer. We admitted our feelings for each other and after that we started our relationship."

Julia stands up "so you two are together now?" I nod my head "yes we are. I love Lauren and she loves me." Before I can continue Julia yells "but you're only 18 Kyler and Lauren your 26 and she is a student at your school! How long has all this actually been going on, did y'all plan this?" Okay maybe talking to Julia was not going to be as easy as I had thought. Before I could say anything else, Lauren gets off my lap and stands up.

Lauren finally looks at her sister "that's enough Julia. You are not coming into my home and constantly question my relationship with Kyler. Yes, she was my stepdaughter and yes there is an eight year difference between the two of us. There was a bigger age gap between me and Mike but that never seemed like a problem to you. I don't expect you to understand but I do expect you to respect my relationship decision. We felt a connection between us like a magnetic pull ever since we first met but we never acted upon it. At least not until I moved out after I found out Mike was cheating on me and the divorce was finalized."

Lauren looks over at me and smiles. Looking back at her sister she says "I have never felt like this for anybody. I am completely and utterly in love with Kyler. I am finally truly happy and know what it feels like to be loved. I can't imagine my life without her and I know to most people this is completely inappropriate. Trust me I have been battling the unethical aspect myself but you can't help who you fall in love with. Yes, she is a student at my school but only for five more days, well technically four since she graduates Thursday. Then hopefully after a few months we are free to be together in public and not have to stay hidden."

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