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When we get home Lauren and I both get all the bags and head inside. "If you will get all the tags off everything and drop it in the laundry room I will start washing all the clothes" Lauren says. I look at her for a second "I will get all the tags off but I will do the laundry. You go sit down and have a chill afternoon." With that said I go to the laundry room to get all my new clothes and Lauren's new lingerie sets ready to wash including what clothes was already in there.

As I'm dropping the Tide Pod in the washing machine Lauren walks in behind me and I glance back at her. She has changed her clothes and is now wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top and gray Under Armour running shorts. Her shoulders look so kissable and her toned legs in those short shorts, umm she is killing me right now. I lick my lips as I look her up and down. My eyes finally meet hers and she looks down at herself. "Do I need to change?" She asks with a slight smirk. Wait, why was she smirking at me? She just caught me checking her out. Was she enjoying it? I shake my head no to her question then turn around and start the washing machine.

I feel Laurens eyes on me and I turn back around and look at her. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds then she asks "why do you always do that? Do you not want me doing anything for you? I know I'm not your mom but I'm here for you and to help care for you." She seems a little upset as she is talking to me. I take in her facial expressions and realize I apparently have upset her. That was not my intention at all.

Reaching out to Lauren, I take both her hands in mine and that electric current is there again. "Look, I wasn't trying to upset you Lauren. My mom raised me to help out around the house and that's what I've been trying to do. It's not because I don't want you doing things for me or caring for me. I'm happy that you want to but I really like helping around the house and like to take some of the burden off your shoulders. You do a lot as it is and with me being here it adds more to your workload. I just want to help you but I don't want to upset you either okay. I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

"Okay Kyler, I get it and your mom definitely raised a wonderful young woman and would be so proud of you. I appreciate you wanting to help; I guess... I'm just not used to it. I'm always the one taking care of everything around here so it's just different for me to have you offering to help. Thank you though, it honestly means a lot to me." I look down and realize I am still holding her hands and quickly release them.

Lauren looks at her hands then at her watch and sees it's a little after 4 p.m. and says "I-I've got to get started on dinner. Yes, you can help if you want to". She smiles then turns to go to the kitchen but I stop her with a hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for today Lauren. I usually hate shopping but I enjoyed it and you being there, it was fun." She smiles reaching up and squeezes my hand that is still on her shoulder then walks towards the kitchen and I follow her.

I actually help Lauren cook this time and enjoy it a lot. Just as we finish cooking Mike walks in the door and comes to the kitchen. He walks up to Lauren and kisses her on the lips and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I don't want him kissing her. I frown because of the kiss but quickly look away as Lauren glances at me once he pulls away from her. "I missed you" he says to her then walks off to go put his stuff in his home office. He did not even acknowledge me being in the kitchen. Once he comes back we fix our plates and sit down to eat.

"So Kyler, are you ready for school next week? He asks. I shrug my shoulders "I guess," I'm still mad about the kiss so I keep my answer short. I can tell he doesn't really know what to talk about or he doesn't really want to talk to me. We sit in silence for a few minutes then he says "I got your bank card to give you for your monthly allowance. You will get $400 a month to use for whatever you need or want. Just don't blow it all at once because I will not give you anymore."

I am shocked by him giving me that much a month and by his pissy attitude, but manage to get out a "thank you but that is really not necessary." Lauren gently places her hand over mine "Kyler, it's okay. It's your money so when you need or want something you can get it. I promise it's okay."

Mike excuses himself from the table when his phone starts ringing. Lauren sighs and shakes her head. Her hand is still on mine and we both look up into each other's eyes. She finally says "he wanted to do the allowance so I promise it's fine. Who knows, you may be somewhere and see something you want or need." I glance down at her hand still on mine and she quickly pulls her hand back. I sigh and mumble "I can't buy what I want."

Mike comes back to the table and the rest of dinner consists of him talking to Lauren and a little small talk with me. Nothing of any importance is said even though this morning he said we had a lot of catching up to do over dinner. Guess he isn't really worried about catching up with me.

You know now that I think about it, the monthly allowance he acts like he is giving me so graciously, is probably the same amount he paid in child support to mom. It seems to me like he is trying to buy my love. Maybe it's just because I don't really know him but I honestly feel like maybe he doesn't want me here.

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