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   When I get home I change clothes and slip on black under armor pants and a white tank top. Just as I finish changing Kyle calls so I talk to him as I get a head start on dinner. It's always nice to talk to my brother but sometimes it's weird since I never knew I had one. He gave me some shocking but great news that I can't wait to tell Lauren about. I'm a little nervous to tell her because it's something we haven't quite talked about as far as our future goes.

As I finish up in the kitchen there's a knock on the door. I know it can't be Lauren because she has her keys. Confused I walk to the door and slowly open it to find Julia and an older couple at the door. Julia pulls me into a quick hug "hey Kyler, it's good to see you." Breaking the hug I open the door more "um it's good to see you too, come in."

Once we are all inside Julia introduces me to the older couple. "Mom, dad this is Kyler, Lauren's girlfriend, partner, lover whatever you want to call this gorgeous girl. Kyler, this is mine and Lauren's parents David and Jessica." Julia says as I shake her dads hand and give her mom a quick hug. I don't know why I hugged her but it seemed right. "Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. James."

I am freaking out inside because Lauren told them my middle name and then Julia introduces me as Kyler not Shay. Lauren is going to flip, I need to text her and warn her what she will be walking into when she gets home. I swear I could throat punch Julia right now.

Mr. James looks at me "it's nice to meet you too Kyler but please call us David and Jessica." He looks at Julia "Jules you left something out when introducing Kyler to us." I look at Julia and she shrugs her shoulders like she has no idea what he is talking about. Mr. David speaks up, "you left out student and ex step daughter when introducing her." I blink a few times as I'm trying to process what was just said. About that time the front door opens and Lauren and all her beauty walks into the apartment.

After Lauren closes the door then she stops "mom dad, Julia! What are you guys doing here?" Mr. David speaks up "we wanted to come see you and meet Kyler." Lauren glances at me then looks back at her dad "you should have called." Her dad laughs "you would have tried to convince us not to visit. My guess is, so we would not find out Kyler or should I say Shay as you said your girlfriend's name was, is the same person and your ex step daughter and a student at your school."

I walk over to Lauren and take her purse and laptop bag to go put them in the bedroom. As a force of habit I lean in and kiss her sweet lips. Without thinking she returns the kiss then we both remember her parents are in here. "Sorry" I whisper as I turn to take her belongings to the bedroom. She grabs my arm before I can walk away. I turn back around to look at her and she smiles and says "it's okay and I love you." This makes me smile "I love you too beautiful." She let's go of my arm and I go to the bedroom putting her stuff up.

As I walk back into the living room I see Lauren's parents sitting on the couch, Julia on the loveseat and Lauren is sitting in the chair. "Lauren why don't we all go out to dinner. Oh wait you probably can't go out in public with Kyler." Mr. David says. Julia quickly jumps in "I think it would be a good idea to cook here and eat together. That way everyone is comfortable." I walk over to the chair that Lauren's in and sit on the arm of the chair. Lauren reaches up and squeezes my thigh. I place my hand on hers and lightly squeeze her hand.

I glance at Lauren then back to her parents. "I actually had already planned dinner and there will be enough for everyone." I quickly stand "we were going to have chicken quesadillas and nachos with homemade salsa and cheese dip. The salsa and cheese dip have been slow cooking since I got home. It will not take me too long to cook the quesadillas." Julia smiles and says "that actually sounds good. I thought I could smell salsa cooking."

Lauren stands up "we will go cook and y'all can just relax in here." I stop her, "I will cook, you stay in here and visit with your family." She shakes her head "babe, you know we usually cook and clean together unless you've already cooked everything by the time I get home." I look at her, "It's been a while since you've seen your parents so spend time with them." She grabs my hand and says "fine but at least let me help with the prep work for the quesadillas."

I walk into the kitchen pulling Lauren along since she is still holding my hand. "God I love you Lauren" I say as I push her against the counter and slowly kiss her delicious lips. Once we break the kiss she says "I love you too. Now let's get dinner going because apparently my dad is starving." We both laugh then start prepping everything for the chicken quesadillas. After the prep work is done I make her go back to the living room and visit with her family. Soon everything is ready and we all fix our plates and sit down to eat.

This is going to be a very weird dinner. The tension at the table is crazy. I bet you could feel it from a mile away. I just hope for Lauren's sake there's no drama.

Mr. David takes a sip of his water and sits the glass down hard while looking at me. I knew something was going to happen. This was not how I wanted to meet her parents as her girlfriend. "Ok Lauren, we know Kyler is your ex step daughter and student at your school. But what I want to know is, why would you risk your career and everything you've worked for over this...  ridiculous relationship?"

Before Lauren has a chance to answer, her dad starts talking again. "Kyler, I want to know what your intentions are with my daughter? Why is she risking her career and livelihood for you? Are you blackmailing her into the relationship?"

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