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It's now Monday morning which means it's time for school again. I can't believe it's the beginning of May. I could be close to graduating if I was still in Pensacola. But instead I am here in San Antonio fucking everything up. I guess that is what my life is becoming. One big fuck up. I am so tired I really don't want to go to school but I know I have too. Mike still has not come back home yet so it is just Lauren and I. There's obvious tension between us but she is trying to act normal but avoiding me at the same time. I haven't tried to talk about Saturday night even though I kind of want to.

We have not even talked to each other besides saying good morning and good night. She stayed mostly in her room the rest of the weekend and I stayed in mine. She didn't come home Saturday night because Julia took her to her hotel to sleep and apparently be away from me, then dropped her off Sunday morning. I should have known it was Lauren as much as I keep my eyes glued to her. I can't change what happened Saturday night and even if I could, I wouldn't. I wish I could relive Saturday night with Lauren over and over and not just in my head.

The rest of Saturday night after getting home from the club, I laid awake thinking about Lauren. I was still so aroused from what happened earlier and the more I thought about it the more my arousal grew. I couldn't quit thinking about it though no matter how much I tried. I will admit, I have never masturbated but I have never been that turned on by anyone before. After coming home from the club Saturday night I felt the strong need to release some seriously built up sexual tension.

Just thinking about Lauren and her body against mine made me wet, so I slowly slipped a finger into my wet pussy and couldn't believe how good it felt. I added another finger and slowly fingered myself until I released all over my hand. Same thing running through my head all day Sunday and Sunday night, I just couldn't get her or her moans out of my mind. I know I'm just torturing myself but she is just... perfection.

Now every time I look at Lauren I just want to take her right then and there. I want to make her cum on my fingers so I can lick them clean and taste her. I can picture myself walking into her office at school and bending her over her desk and fucking her until she screams my name for the whole school to hear. Just remembering the small moans that escaped her mouth at the club makes me wonder what she would sound like in the midst of mind blowing sex.

At least at school my mind is somewhat distracted by class work, well, most of the time. Sitting in first period class, Ms. Smith keeps glancing at me during the whole hour and 45 minutes. I wonder if she knows I am sexually frustrated or maybe I'm acting weird to her or maybe she can tell something is wrong. Hell, I don't know why she keeps looking at me. I have never been this sexually frustrated by someone but Lauren has done it to me. I'm beginning to think Ms. Smith can tell maybe. I don't know if she can or not but... I'm so screwed. All I want is Lauren but I can't have her so Ms. Smith might just have to make do. I mean she seems interested or... maybe concerned but I'm going with interested because it's hard to read her.

Second period is a breeze with nothing eventful happening and by the time lunch rolls around I have mostly got my mind off of the whole Lauren situation. Well, that is until I see her bent over in the hallway picking up a piece of paper when I am on my way to my last class of the day. Her pencil skirt is tightened around her ass as she is bent over. Seeing her bent over reminds me of Saturday night when she was grinding that sexy ass into me.

I just freeze in place and can't help but stare at her. When she stands back up, she turns around to start walking down the hallway. She stops immediately when she sees me. I can't help but involuntarily lick my lips while looking at her. Her face turns red and she quickly turns on her heels walking the other direction. Even standing up and walking her skirt is tight on her ass. And just seeing her ass sway side to side when she walks, umm... damn that ass. Now I'm right back to being aroused and maybe more than before.

All through Advanced Design 101, I am a mess. I can't concentrate to even get my work done. The teacher is constantly telling me to pay attention. I need a distraction and I need one now. Looking at my watch I realize I only have five minutes left in this class. While watching those painfully slow five minutes pass I have an idea. I will be honest that it's not the best idea or a very appropriate one but at this point I kind of don't care. I'm to the point I would let someone touch me even if it wasn't Lauren. I just don't know how much longer I can take this.

Once the bell rings I am out the door making my way back to the other end of school. Ms. Smith has her planning period now and I have decided I'm going to make a move on her even though I know I shouldn't. Hell, I don't even know if she for sure likes me or is even a lesbian, not that it would stop me even if she was straight. But I need Lauren off my mind and this is the only solution I can think of even though I know it's not a good one. But hey, I've already fucked up enough like it is so I might as well add to it.

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