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   I stir from my sleep as I feel a cool breeze on my back. I roll over expecting to find Lauren's warmth beside me but I'm meet instead by a cold bed. I open my eyes quickly and sit up. My eyes roam around the room in search of Lauren but she is nowhere to be found and there is no noise coming from the bathroom.

I check the clock on the nightstand and it's 6:20 a.m. "Shit" I mumble as I slip out of bed. Not because I'm late but because I feel like I've been ran over. I grab a clean bra and panties and make my way to the bathroom to shower quickly. I'm in and out of the shower in 15 minutes and put on a pair of ripped blue jeans and a white v-neck shirt. I will come back for my shoes after I go find my beautiful woman.

As I walk down the hall to the kitchen I can smell something cooking. My stomach growls as I follow the scent of food and as I turn into the kitchen I see Lauren at the stove taking scrambled eggs from a pan and putting them onto two plates. I walk up beside her and kiss her cheek.

Lauren turns and smiles at me then wraps one arm around my waist pulling me against her. She kisses my lips then glances at the time. "Why are you already up? I was going to wake you up before I had to leave at 7:30. After all, you didn't sleep much last night." I raise my eyebrows at her and ask "how do you know?" She laughs "I could feel you starting at me. I can always feel you staring at me."

I smile sheepishly at Lauren because I really thought she was asleep last night. She hands me a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes. I take my plate and say "thank you" and sit it at the island then fix a cup of coffee. Lauren joins me at the island with her plate and coffee. We start eating in silence until Lauren says "today's the day. Are you excited?"

"I am" I say after swallowing a mouth full of food. "I'm mainly ready to graduate so we don't have to keep this..." I lean over and kiss Laurens lips, "a secret..." another kiss "anymore." She laughs at my antics of kissing her in between talking and I laugh too.

"Well you know it's not going to be that simple Kyler. We will have to give it at least a couple months before being seen together" she says as she takes her dishes to the dishwasher. I can't help but smirk to myself because as long as my plan works the way I hope, then there will be no waiting a couple months.

I get up and take my dishes to the dishwasher. I warp my arms around Lauren from behind and kiss the side of her neck. "What are you going to wear for me today for my graduation Ms. James?" I ask as I brush my lips against her ear. I feel her shiver in my grasp "W-what makes you think I'm wearing something for you?" she asks.

I kiss her neck again "actually, nothing at all works better. How about we just skip graduation and stay in bed all day?" Lauren turns around in my arms and looks at me like I have two heads or something. "I know you can't be serious." She says with all seriousness in her voice.

I laugh a little at her expression and lean in to kiss Lauren's delicious lips but she pulls back before I can connect our lips. "I'm serious Kyler, graduation is a big deal." I wrap my arms tighter around her and pull her into me more. "Relax babe, I was joking about skipping graduation. Now about you wearing nothing at all..." I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she tries not to laugh but fails miserably.

Lauren stops laughing after a few seconds and the serious look returns to her beautiful face. She cups my face in both her hands "your mom would be so proud of you. I hope you know that." I slightly smile at her "I know she would be. I just wish she was here to see me walk across that stage."

Lauren hugs me tight "she is always with you sweetie, never forget that. She may not be here in person but she is always in spirit and..." she breaks the hug and places her hand over my heart. "She is here Kyler, always with you even though you can't see her. She is watching from above and will see you walk across the stage and get you diploma. She will be... no, she is, so very proud of you."

I have tears in my eyes when she stops talking and I pull her back into a hug. "Thank you so much Lauren, for everything. I love you so much." She tightens her hold on me "I love you too Kyler." We stand embracing each other for a few seconds until Lauren breaks our embrace.

"I have got to get dressed so I can get to the school and make sure everything is ready for graduation at 1 p.m." Lauren says then places a kiss to the side of my head. "You have to be there at 11:30 a.m. and please don't be late." I smile at her "can I pick out something for you to wear?" I ask in a high pitched voice. She squints her eyes at me and hesitantly nods her head. Walking to the bedroom Lauren looks at me "you know, I had planned on wearing a skirt today."

I pout my lips at her and finally say "I was hoping you would wear one of your dresses that..." my words die off as I am looking through the closet to find what dress I want Lauren to wear. I look through all of her clothes and find a sleeveless, short burgundy bandage dress with the back and chest area cutout and I pull it out. It's in the very back of her closet and still has the tags on it. She is beautiful and sexy in everything she wears but this dress just looks like it was made for her. I wonder why she has never worn it.

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